Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 9 Jun 1968

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E F O U R • J U N E 1 9 6 8 • N U M B E R N I N E CONTENTS Page Concert by the U n iv e rs ity o f the P hilippines 1 Special Assistant to V ice-Chancellor . . . . 1 U n iv e rs ity E xam inations .............................. 1 External E xam in e rs................................................ 2 Donations to the U n ive rsity ..................... 3 A pp lica tion fo r Adm ission to G raduate School and School o f E d u c a t io n .............................. 3 Summer Courses ................................................ 4 M om busho S c h o la rs h ip ....................................... 4 U n iv e rs ity Public L e c t u r e s .............................. 5 Com ings and Goings ....................................... 5 College N e w s .......................................................... 6 CONCERT BY THE UN IVERS ITY OF THE PHILIPPINES M em bers and guests o f the U n ive rs ity enjoyed a varied programme o f classical and contemporary com positions and an interesting selection o f F ilip in o master pieces at a concert on 20th M a y at C ity H a ll Concert H a ll. T h is concert was presented fo r the U n ive rsity by the v is itin g Chamber M u sic G roup o f the Conservatory o f M u sic, U n iv e rs ity o f the Philippines. T h e programme featured the renowned S tring Q uartet in Residence at the Conservatory, w h ich is composed o f M iss Celia Sucgang, firs t v io lin is t; M rs. Rizalina E. Buenaventura, second v io lin is t; M r. Celso Estrella, v io lis t ; and M r. M a rtin ia n o Esguerra, cellist; and such distinguished artists as M r. A u re lio Estanislao, ba ritone; M rs. Andrea O. Veneracion , soprano; and M r. Regalado Jose, pianist. T h e y are all professors and ranking fa cu lty members of the various music departments o f the U n ive rsity o f the Philippines. T h e Chamber M u sic G roup came to Hong K o n g on a concert to u r o f Southeast Asia designed by the U n iv e r sity o f the P h ilip pines w ith the purpose o f fostering good w ill among universities in the region. SPECIAL ASSISTANT TO VICE-CHANCELLOR D r. Francis S. H u tch in s, Representative o f the Y a le -in -C h ina Association in H ong Kong, has been appointed Special Assistant to the Vice-Chancellor, w ith effect from 3rd M ay, 1968. D r. H u tch in s, retired President o f Berea College, K en tucky, jo ine d the U n iv e rs ity in September, 1967, UN IVERS ITY EXAM INAT IONS T h e 1968 Degree E xam inations (Part I and Part I I ) were held from 15th to 22nd M ay, 1968, the w ritten papers at New Asia College, and the science practicals in the laboratories o f the three Colleges. 471 students entered for Part I E xam ination and 496 fo r Part I I Exam ination as follow s :- C h un g C h i N e w A sia U n ite d Part I 166 171 134 Part I I 174 149 152 Part I & Part I I 5 11 5 T h e Interm ediate E xam ination was held from 11th to 15th June, 1968, at N ew Asia College w ith 439