Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 10 Jul 1968

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O LU M E FOUR • JU L Y 1968 • NUM B ER TEN CONTENTS Pa ge University and College Honours and S e r v ic e ....................................... ...... 1 University V isito r .............................. ......1 External Examiners in Hong Kong . . 2 New Appointments .............................. ......2 Award of Education Diplomas . . 3 1061 Passed Matriculation Examinations 3 Commerce Graduates Get Exemption . . 3 Comings and G o i n g s .............................. ......4 College News ....................................... ......4 UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE HONOURS AND SERVICE The University takes great pleasure in an nouncing Government Honours fo r its Council Member and Members of the Boards of Governors/ Trustees o f its three Colleges. The Hon Q.W. Lee, Treasurer of the University Council and Chairman o f the Finance Committee o f the University, has been appointed a Member of the Legislative Council. He is Managing D irector of Hang Seng Bank Ltd., and D irector and Secretary of the Board of Directors, M iraniar Hotel and Investment Co. Ltd. The Hon. Wilson T.S. Wang, Vice-Chairman o f the Board o f Trustees of United College, has been appointed a Member of the Legislative Council. M r. Wang is founder and principal o f New Method College, Hong Kong. Dr. the Hon. S.Y. Chung, a Member of the Board of Trustees of United College, has been appointed a Member o f the Legislative Council. A Chartered Mechanical Engineer and Production Engineer, D r. Chung is Managing D irector o f Sonca Industries L td ., and Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation o f Industries. M r. L i Fook-Wo, Honorary Treasurer o f the Board of Governors of Chung Chi College, received the award of O.B.E. in Her Majesty the Queen's Birthday Honours List. M r. L i is D irector and Deputy Chief Manager o f the Bank of East Asia L td ., and a director of China Emporium Ltd., China Underwriters L ife and General Insurance Co., L td., China Provident Co. L td., North Point Wharves Ltd., Green Island Cement Co. L td ., and A.S. Watson & Co. Ltd. Miss A w Sian, a member of the Board of Governors of New Asia College, has been appointed an Unofficial Justice of the Peace. She is Chairman of the Board o f Directors of the Sin Poh Am a l gamated (H .K .) Ltd., the Board of Directors o f the Toppan Printing Company (H .K .) Ltd., the Board of Directors of the Sing Sian Y it Pao and the Sing Thai Wan Pao in Bangkok. She is also D irector of the Sin Poh Amalgamated, Ltd. in Singapore. Mrs. Irene Cheung Yok-luen, wife of M r. Cheung Yok-luen, a member o f the Board of Trustees of United College, has been appointed an Unofficial Justice of the Peace. Mrs. Cheung serves on many committees including the Branch Com­ mittee o f the Hong Kong Red Cross and the Education Scholarship Fund Committee. UNIVERSITY VISITOR Sir Christopher Cox, Adviser on Education to the Commonwealth Relations Office , M in istry of Overseas Development, visited Hong Kong from 25 th June to 2nd July to attend the University's Seventh Congregation fo r the Conferment o f Honor ary Degrees held on 27th June.