Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 1 Sep 1968

37 ADMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Thirty-seven students have been admitted to the Graduate School fo r the current academic year, 8 to the Division of Chinese H istory, 9 to the Division of Chinese Language and Literature, 8 to the Division of Philosophy, 2 to the Division of Geography, and 10 to the Division of Business Adm inistration. One of these students, M r. Chew Cheng-hai, has come from Singapore under the Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme to study Chinese Etymology fo r two years. APPOINTMENTS Dr. S.S. Hsueh, formerly Reader in Public Adm inis tration at United College, has been promoted to the rank of Professor and the name of the subject has been changed to Government and Public Adm inistration. M r. H .M . L iu— Assistant Registrar (Academ ic) M r. Chu Pak-sun— Assistant Buildings Officer Faculty of Arts M r. Pan Chung-kwei (Dean of the Faculty of A rts ) — New Asia Ch i n e s e L a n g u a g e a n d L i t e r a t u r e M r. Chan Siu-tong (Assistant Lectu re r)— New Asia Miss Tsui Chee-yee (Assistant Lecturer) — Chung Chi M r. Lee Tat-leung (T u to r)— United E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e a n d L i t e r a t u r e D r. Bruce Andrew Chan (Lec tu re r)— United Dr. Joseph Lau (Le c tu re r)— Chung Chi M r. Timothy Light (Head of the Department of English Language and L ite ra tu re )— New Asia Miss Joan Barbara Boozer (Assistant Lecturer) — United Mrs. Anna Kwan Terry (Temporary Assistant Lectu re r)— United M r. Ronald Davis (Tutor) (Princeton-in-Asia F e llow )— Chung Chi M r. Peter Etherton (T u to r)— Chung Chi Miss Evelyn Lee Chit-fai (T u to r)— New Asia Miss Doris Ann Lewis (Demonstrator)— United Miss M arrio tt F. Small (T u to r) (Wellesley-Yenching Representative) 一 Chung Chi M r. John A . Tardino (T u to r)— New Asia Miss Christine A . Rankin (Part-time T u to r)— United F r e n c h Dr. Wou Wang Adine (Le c tu re r)— New Asia G e r m a n Dr. Peter Heinz Herzog (Le c tu re r)— United H i s t o r y M r. Wellington K .K. Chan (Harvard-Yenching Lectu re r)— Chung Chi Mr. Fook-lam G ilbert Chan (Assistant Lecturer) — United M r. Yang Hsueh-feng (Assistant Lectu re r)— United M r. Paul Grace (T u to r) ( Dartmouth-Project-Asia F e llow )— Chung Chi M u s i c Dr. Wong Wing-hee (Lecturer and Chairman of the Department of M usic)— Chung Chi M r. Edward S.N. Ho (Le ctu re r)— Chung Chi Mrs. Alice Wong (Part-time Lectu re r)— Chung Chi P h i l o s o p h y a n d R e l i g i o n M r. Hsieh Tso-yu (Head of the Department of Philosophy)— New Asia Dr. Roger A . Johnson (V isiting Professor) — Chung Chi Dr. Paul Newman (Lecturer and Chairman of the Department of Philosophy and Religion) — Chung Chi Dr. John W. Olley (Le c tu re r)— Chung Chi M r. Tsang Lap-chuen (T u to r) 一 Chung Chi Faculty o f Commerce and Social Science Dr. Kowie Dschang (V isiting Professor)— New Asia — 2 —