Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 3 Nov 1968

• The Sociology and Social Work Society of United College sponsored a seminar on “ Leisure Activities of Youth in Hong Kong" at the Diocesan Youth Centre in Pokfulam on 12th October. The two-day seminar, opened by M r. Stephen Law, Social Welfare Officer of the Social Welfare Department, was attended by some 40 students from the University o f Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and the Baptist College. • On 18th October, the Chinese Literature Department Club of New Asia College sponsored a Modern Literature Seminar on “ Modem Poetry". • The Research Institute and the Chinese Literature Department of New Asia College join tly invited M r. Pan Chung-kwei, Head of the Chinese Literature Department, to give a talk on "Chinese Thoughts perceived in Korean Literature” on 24th October. • A seminar on "Heidegger's Philosophy", sponsored by the Philosophy Department Club of New Asia College, was held on 3rd November. The C lub also invited M r. Mou Tsung-san, Senior Lec turer of the Department, to talk on ‘‘The Trend of Philosophy” . • Dr. Paul Newman, Chairman o f the Depart ment o f Philosophy and Religion, Chung Chi College attended a consultation on theological curriculum planning in Seoul, Korea, at the end of October. • M r. Chung Ying-mei, Senior Lecturer and Chairman of the Chinese Department, Chung Chi College, has recently published two books in Chinese: N e w C o m m e n t a r y o n L a o T z u and C r i t i c a l N o t e s o n T w e n t y - F o u r F a m o u s A u t h o r s o f Ch i n e s e I r r e g u l a r L y r i c s . • On 20th October, the Student Union o f New Asia College had its ‘‘Student Day" , the programme o f which included round-the-college race , hostel- cleaning contest, quiz, masquerade, dinner and dance. The ‘‘Student Broadcasting Centre’’ organized by the Publicity Section of the Student Union was inaugurated on the same day. The purpose of the Centre is to efficiently spread news about the College itself and other institutions of higher learn ing, to arouse students’ interest in the Student Union, and to promote their understanding o f its various activities. A daily programme including news of club activities and discussions , music appreciation and ‘‘request’’ is broadcast in the students' Lounge at noon time. • To raise funds fo r a Student Loan Pro­ gramme, the Student Welfare Fund Raising Com­ mittee o f the New Asia College Student Union sponsored a movie matinee at the London Theatre, Kow loon on 27th October, showing a popular film named ‘‘A Cross Bridge’’. The money w ill be used fo r interest-free loans to needy students of the College. A dance and music soiree was held at the College Auditorium on 17th November fo r the same purpose. The programme included the Chinese traditional lion dance, oriental fo lk dances, ballet, Chinese musical performances, folk songs, and popu lar music. • The Commerce Association and the Chinese Society of United College sponsored separate film shows in October to raise funds among their members and friends fo r worthwhile student pro jects. The films screened were ‘‘Fahrenheit 451” and “ War and Freedom’’ respectively. • A series of film shows on Japan was shown by the Student Union of Chung Chi College in September and October. • The Forensic Society and the Academic Section of the Student Union o f New Asia College jo in tly sponsored an Inter-Departmental Oratorical Contest on “ Part-time Employment o f Under graduates" on 16th October. The championship and the second place were won by the Fine A rts Department and Economics Department respectively. • The Inter-Departmental News Quiz sponsored by the Student Union o f New Asia College was completed on 7th November. Altogether 216 questions were asked; they were divided into seven categories: world politics, politics in Hong Kong, education, economics, sports, social problems and miscellaneous. The results were as follows: Champion — Chemistry Department; Runner-up — Journalism Department; Th ird — Business Manage ment Department. • The Student Union of New Asia College gave a reception fo r student representatives from 24 local middle schools on 10th November. Delegates from the Union provided them w ith general informa­ tion and answered their questions about the College. The guests were also taken on a tour o f the College. • The Drama Society o f United College staged a comedy, “ Wedding Bell's " , at the C ity Hall Theatre on 26th, 27th and 28th October. This play on feminine equality was well performed, and attracted big audiences. • To promote interest in Chinese music, the Chinese Music Club of New Asia College offered a soiree on 9th November, w ith instrumental per formances, singing and dancing. — 6 —