Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1969

Walker, other Government officials and community leaders attended the reception. On 10th December a visit was made by the participants to Shaw's Mov ie Town, where the y were received and invited to dinner by M r . Run Run Shaw, President of Shaw Brothers ( H K ) L t d. Participants The Seminar was attended by 53 senior administrative and academic members f r om 25 universities in Southeast Asia , including 12 Vice- Chancellors, Presidents, or Rectors; 14 Pro-Vice- Chancellors, Vice-Presidents, or Vice-Rectors; and 6 Deans. They came from: Philippines: Ateneo de Manila University Centro Escolar University Far Eastern University Philippine Women's University Saint Louis University Silliman University University of the East University of the Philippine s University of San Carlos University of Santo Tomas Singapore: Nanyang University University of Singapore Thailand: Asian Institute of Technology Chiengmai University Chulalongkorn University College of Education Kasetsart University Khonkaen University Mahidol University Prince of Songkla University Vietnam: University of Hue University of Saigon Vanhanh University Hong Kong: University of Hong Kong The Chinese University of Hong Kong Other participants include:— M r . Kentaro Shiozuki, Secretary for University Teachers Work in Asia, World Student Christian Federation, Asia Office Dr. Tae Sun Park, President of Yonsei University, Korea Fr. Jesus Diaz, O.P., International Federation of Catholic Universities Dr. Clifford L. Larsen, The Asia Foundation Prof. Theodore J. Shannon, University of Wisconsin Individual participants from Hong Kong include:— University of Hong Kong: Prof. L.B. Thrower, Pro- Vice-Chancellor of the University and Head of the Department of Botany Prof. Y.C. Wong, Head of the Department of Mathematics M r . L o K i n g M a n , Assistant Registrar The Chinese University of Hong Kong: D r . C h o h - M i ng L i , Vice-Chancellor Dr. C.T. Yung, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University and President of Chung Chi College Mr . T.C, Cheng, President of United College Dr. Y . T. Shen, President of New Asia College M r . H . T . W u , University Registrar and Director of the School of Education Prof. S.S. Hsueh, Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science and Professor of Government and Public Administration Prof. Hsueh served as Chairman of the Programme Committee for this A S A I HL Seminar while Dr. Prachoom Chomcha i and Dr. Kusuma Snitwongse acted during th e Seminar in their capacities as Executive Secretary and Assistant Executive Secretary of A S A I H L , respectively. Building Development Progress Report — Master Development Plan The Building Programme under the Master Development Plan for the new 333-acre University campus near Shatin, New Territories, is beginning to take tangible shape. This multi-million dollar programme is divided into two phases: Phase I extending through calendar yea r 1971 and Phase I I continuing through calendar year 1975. A total of 38 projects are scheduled to start during the first phase, representing a capital investment of approximately HK $ 78 million. Included in this amount is HK $ 12 million f r om private sources. Five of the 38 projects to be started in Phase 1 will continue into Phase II. Seventeen additional projects are presently scheduled to start — 5 —