Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1969

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN V O L U M E S IX N O V E M B E R - D E C E M B ER 1969 N U M B ER T H R E E CONTENTS Page A S A I H L Seminar 1 Building Development 5 Gifts to the University 8 The Vice-Chancellor Addresses the HKFS Seminar 8 Publications 10 The Registrar Speaks on the Teachin g of Chinese 13 New Developments of Mass Communications Centre and Journalism Department . . . . 14 Members of the Senate 14 Convention on Higher Studies in C U HK 15 Staff Profiles 15 Comings and Goings 16 College News 17 ASAIHL Seminar A three-day Seminar on "Recent Trend s in University Administration" was held at the Benjamin Franklin Centre, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, Shatin f r om 9th to 11th December, 1969. This is one of two seminars held each year by the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions o f Higher Learning ( A S A I H L ) , of which Dr. Choh-Ming L i, Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is President and Dr. To h Chin Chye, Vice- Chancellor of the University of Singapore, is Vice- President. The first seminar, dealing with "Social and Behavioural Sciences", was held i n July at the Nanyang University, Singapore. Administrative Board Meeting The Administrative Board of A S A I H L met on 8th December, 1969 at The Chinese University, with seven Board members f r om various universities in attendance, namely, Dr. Toh Chin Chye and Dr. L i m Chong Yah of the University of Singapore; Fr. Jesus Diaz, Rector Magnificus of the University of Santo Tomas; Dr. Thich M i nh Chau of Vanhanh University; Prof. Pham Bieu Tam of the University of Saigon; Prof. Y.C. Won g of the University of Hong Kong; and Dr. Choh-Ming L i of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Prachoom Chomchai, Executive Secretary of A S A I H L , also attended the meeting. Opening Session The Opening Session of the Seminar was held on 9th December, 1969. Dr. Choh-Ming L i welcomed the participants and delivered the opening address, the text of which f o l l ows : — Let me introduce my address wit h two half truths. The problem of half truths is that they are, more often than not, half true . First, four score years and some seven months ago Kipling wrote one of his longest and most famous poems, of which only th e first line is remembered. It has become so much of a cliche that one avoids citing it a t all. The line does contain a half truth and reads as follows: Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet . The fact is that we in Southeast Asia are just becoming aware of a regional identity. We are in the process of providing Asian solution s to Asian