Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 6 May–Jun 1970

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN VOLUME SIX MAY- JUNE 1970 NUMBER SIX C O N T E N T S Page Social Research Centre 1 Honorary Degree for Vice-Chancellor 3 External Examiners 6 Prof. Lin Yutang's Press Conference 8 Extramural Summer Programme . . 8 Gifts to the University 8 International Press Institute 19t h General Assembly 8 Nanyang University Staff on a Goodwill Visit 9 Personalia 10 Staff Profiles 10 Comings and Goings 11 College News 11 Obituaries 12 So c i a l Re s e a r ch C e n t r e The Social Research Centre is an inter-disciplinary research facility of the University's Social Science faculty working together in an integrated research programme. The Centre was established in November 1969, to take the place of the former Social Survey Research Centre. It consists of a group of social science teaching staff from all three Foundation Colleges. The Centr e has both a research and an educational commitment. In its research programme, the Centre undertakes studies of social change in Hong Kong. This means that various aspects of the evolving societal scene in Hong Kong are investigated from the vantage point of the dynamics of their history as well as from the standpoint of the dynamics of their future directions. The Centre has particular interest in research which permits not only an assessment of a given situation, but also an analysis of alternative future developments coupled with a capability to observe the actual future developments as they occur. In this regard, the Centre's research programme is one of basic research through which the Centre seeks to advance social, scientific, and particularly sociological, knowledge of bot h secular and induced processes of change. However, since the Centre's programme is firmly grounded in the needs of the community it prefers to undertake studies which not only contribute to the advancement of basic knowledge, but which also have practical policy implications for the Government of Hong Kong, for various voluntary organizations, and for the people in Hong Kong. Whenever possible, the Centre will undertake to help other interested organizations in the formulation of their research programmes, in research design, field work, analysis of data and thereby act as a consultant on relevant aspects of research studies which, in themselves, may be carried out by other private or Governmental organizations. In its educational commitment, the Centre seeks to contribute to the development of a cadre of expert researchers whose abilities and skills will contribute to this community regardless of the position which such researchers may come to occupy in the future. The Centre's educational functions, both at the post-baccalaureate and the pre-baccalaureat e levels, are coordinated with the Boards of Studies of the relevant fields. Undergraduate student s participate in the research efforts and receive training in field work, interviewing, and othe r aspects of social research.