Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 8 Apr–May 1971

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN VOLUME SEVEN APRIL-MAY 1971 NUMBER EIGHT CONTENTS Page Inauguration Ceremon y o f th e Universit y Student Unio n 1 Laying o f Foundatio n Stone s o f Ne w Buildings o f Unite d Colleg e . . . . 3 New Development s o f Mass Communication s Centr e an d Journalism Departmen t 6 Visit o f Universit y Grant s Committe e . . 7 Personalia 8 Staff Profile s 8 Comings an d Going s 9 College New s 1 0 Inauguration Ceremon y o f th e University Studen t Unio n After many years of discussio n and preparation the Student Unio n fo r th e Universit y a s a whole ha s finally been brought into existence. The Inauguration Ceremon y of th e Universit y Studen t Unio n wa s held a t th e Chape l of Chung Chi College on 19t h March, 1971 . His Excellenc y th e Chancello r Si r Davi d Trenc h was met on arriva l by Dr . Choh-Ming Li, Vice-Chancello r of th e University , an dMr . La u Sai-Yung , a studen t o f the Universit y and Chairman of the Ceremony . The processio n consiste d o f th e Chancellor , th e Chairman o f the Ceremony, th e Chairman of th e University Council, th e Vice-Chancellor , th e President-elec t o f the Universit y Studen t Union , the Chairman-elect o f th e Representative Counci l o f th e Union , th e Colleg e Presidents, and the Presidents of the College Student Unions . The Ceremon y bega n wit h th e opening remarks o f Mr. La u Sai-Yung . Hi s Excellency Si r David Trench then addressed th e congregation , an d th e Chines e versio n o f his speec h wa s rea d b yMr . Lau . The installatio n o f th e office-bearer s and members of th e Representativ e Counci l o f th e Studen t Unio n followed. Dr . Choh-Min g L i administere d th e oat h o f office, an d presente d th e Unio n sea l t o th e Unio n President, Mr . La w Cheung-Kwok , and the Union flag to the Chairma n o f th e Representativ e Council , Mr . Yue n Woon-Bun. Dr . L i the n addresse d th e assembl y i n bot h Chinese an d English . A vot e o f thank s wa s give n b y Mr . Law Cheung - Kwok. The Ceremon y wa s wel l attende d b y member s o f the Universit y Council , representative s o f th e Colleg e Vice-Chancellor Choh-Ming Li presenting the Union flag to Mr. Yuen Woon-Bun, Chairman of the Representative Council