Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 5 Dec 1971

Community Participation LIBA's students and faculty members were invited by the Hong Kong Management Association to participate in its conference on "Information Systems for Management" which was held at the City Hall on 14th and 15th September. The conference included presentations by eighteen overseas and local specialists on all aspects of applications of computers to business management and an exhibition of the latest equipment available from prominent manufacturers of data processing machines. LIBA's alumni and second-year students participated in "The Management Game" sponsored by the Hong Kong Management Association. This game, which required each team to make a series of typical business decisions, was based on a computer simulation model, and scoring was done on Asiadata, Ltd.'s ICL computer. Two LIBA alumni teams and four LIBA student teams were among the sixty teams playing the game. One alumni team and two of the student teams won during the first round and thus qualified for entry to the semifinals. The Lingnan Institute is cooperating with the Hong Kong Management Association in conducting a programme for training case-writers. The twenty participants in this programme are from leading business and industrial firms, the Government Training Services, the Hong Kong Productivity Centre, the Hong Kong Management Association, the Hong Kong Technical College, the University of Hong Kong and this University. Each participant is conducting field research with a cooperating business firm; he will then use the results of his research as the basis for a case study. There is an urgent need for case studies based on Hong Kong firms for use in management education courses, and it is hoped that the studies resulting from this programme can be published in book form. International Conferences In November, Dr. Sutu was one of the Hong Kong delegates to the Fourth Conference of the Asian Association of Management Organization of the International Council of Scientific Management held in New Delhi, India. The theme of the Conference is "Tradition and Modernity". Hong Kong presented two papers, one on "Industrial Management" by Mr. T.K. Ann, Chairman of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, and another on "The Changing Scene in Hong Kong" by Dr. Sutu. This fall Dr. Philip Fu and Dr. John Espy represente LIBA at the “1971 Meeting of Asian Business Schools" which was held at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur. Dr. Fu presented a paper on the relationship between the undergraduate and graduate studies of business administration of this University. Dr. Espy's paper discussed the policies and practices of the University in the area of consulting work by faculty members. Visiting Professor 授敎思文艾 Prof. Gano S. Evans Prof. Gano S. Evans received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Colorado State College, a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Denver, and his Doctor of Business Administra degree from the University of Washington. Prof. Evans will be with LIBA as Visiting Associate Professor for a period of two years. In addition to teaching and research in the areas of marketing and management, Dr. Evans has served as a management, research, and training consultant to an advertising agency, a shopping centre, marketing research firms, The Printers' Industry of America, Western Publishing Co., The U.S. Park Service, and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Donation from Lee Foundation, Singapore With the increase in student enrolment and LIBA's participation in many new activities, heavier teaching loads and tutoring have been imposed upon the staff of LIBA, not to mention the supervision of seventeen master's theses, dealing mainly with Hong Kong's industrial and commercial problems, of the second-year students. The presence of Visiting Associate Professor Evans is of great help. Since many international corporations have moved their regional headquarters to Hong Kong, the demand for competent junior executives is becoming more pressing. In the nearest future, LIBA will pay special attention to the training of students in the field of international finance and trade as well as bilingual proficiency. In response to this demand, the Lee Foundation, Singapore, has kindly offered a sum of HK$200,000 to the University for a lectureship for a period of four years at LIBA. It is believed the donation will give an impetus and enhance the achievement of this goal. —2—