Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 11 Jun 1972

9. Mr. R.C. Griffiths Director Inter-University Council fo r Higher Education Overseas England 10. Dr. A.G. Lehmann, M.A ., D.Phil. Managing Director Linguaphone Institute England 11. Mr. James McHugh, M.B.E., B.A. (Com.), M.B.I.M. Former Head York College of Commerce England 12. Mr. Y.K . Pao World-Wide Shipping Ltd . Hong Kong 13. Sir Eric Richardson, C.B.E., Ph.D., B.Eng., C.Eng ., F.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech. E., F.B.H.I ., F.P.S., F.R.S.A. Former Director Central Polytechnic o f London England 14. Mr. Eric Udal Legal Adviser Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Hong Kong 15. Dr. R.L. Werner Director New South Wales Institute of Technology England 16. Professor M.J. Wise, M.C., Ph.D. Professor of Geography The London School of Economics and Political Science England The Secretary is Mr. S.F. Bailey, C.B.E. The new terms of reference are: “ To keep under review in the light of the community's needs: (a) the facilities for University and Polytechnic education in Hong Kong; (b) such plans for the development of the universities and Polytechnic as may be required from time to time; (c) the financial needs of University and Polytechnic education; (d) and to advise Government on the application of such funds as may be approved by the Legislature for University and Polytechnic education." EXTERNAL EXAMINERS The following is a list of External Examiners for the 1972 Degree Examinations: Undergraduate Examinations Faculty of Arts Chinese Literature Prof. Ch'u Wan-li National Taiwan Universit y Taiwan English Language Prof. C.T. Hsia & Literature Columbia University U.S.A. Fine Arts Mr. Zao Wou-ki Paris France French Miss Catherine Weill Alliance Francaise Hong Kong German Prof. Dr. D. Jons Universität Mannheim Federal Republic o f Germany History Prof. Li Tien-yi Ohio State University U.S.A. - 2 —