Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 1 Aug 1973

tours of universities and institutes of higher learning, including attendance at a Specia l Institute for College and University Deans sponsored b y the American Council on Education. He was Acting Registrar of the University from August 1970 to May 1971 and later Registrar of the University fro m May 1971 to July 1973. As one of the founders of the Commonwealth Conference of Registrars of Universities of the South- East Asia and Pacific Area, he has been a member of its Steering Committee since 1971, and is now Joint Chairman for the 1973 Conference to be held in Hong Kong in November this year . Mr. John T.S. Chen, Registrar of the University The University has appointed Mr. John T.S. Chen as Registrar of the University. Mr . Chen received his education in Shanghai and holds an LL.B. and a French Diploma of Licencie en Sciences Politiques et Economiques from Aurora University. He was a university and college teacher for 11 years and had several years' experience as an editor and a programme officer/adviser in a philanthropi c organization before he became a university administrator. Since 1965 , he has served in The Chinese University in various capacities: Secretary of New Asi a College (1965-70), Special Assistant in the President' s Office of Chung Chi College (1971-72) and Deputy Registrar of the University (July 1972-July 1973). Mr. Chen visited institutions o f higher learning in Southeast Asia, Europe and Americ a in 1970 and 1971, and participated in a Seminar in University Administration and Operations on the Madison campus of the University of Wisconsin in July and August 1972. Mr. Chen is the author of Return to the Fold of Christ published by the Catholic Truth Society of Hong Kong in 1954. With a predilection for the art of translation, he has translated into Chinese a dozen outstanding English books in the humanities and social science field. His latest book 1001 Chinese Sayings published by Chung Chi College is just off the press. (pictures in Chinese section) NEW ASIA COLLEGE MOVES TO SHATIN CAMPUS New Asia College moved to its new campus in Shatin in July-August, 1973. The College now occupies the northeastern part of the University campus, at the same level as United College. On a promontory 460 feet above Tolo Harbour, the 19-acre campus commands a view of this harbour, the Plover Cove Reservoir, and the Pat Sin Mountain Range. The College has five buildings at present: 1. Administration & Fine Arts The Dean of Students' Office and the Dean of Studies' Office are located on the ground floor and the President's Office , the Comptroller's Office and a board room on the first floor. Classrooms for the Departments o f Fine Arts and Journalism, seminar rooms and faculty offices occupy the second floor, while painting studios extend throughout the third floor. The total area of the building is 27,000 sq. ft. 2. Arts and Commerce This complex o f over 40,000 sq. ft. is divided into three parts: i. In the west wing offices of the various departments in the Faculties of Arts and Commerce occupy the first, secon d and third floors, with accounting an d statistics laboratories on the fourth floor. On the ground floor are classrooms. ii. The middle section of this building is used as classrooms, seminar rooms an d business administration laboratories. On the groun d floor are sculpture rooms an d storage. 文商大樓 Arts & Commerce 2