Bulletin Vol. 9 No. 8 Jul 1973
was not monetary but in the form of meeting the University's needs by calling on its vast resources in institutional relations in the United States and Asia, and, to a lesser degree, in Europe and the Pacific regions. The structure of The Asia Foundation, with resident representatives in Asia, makes it a unique organization. I t is closer to Asia since its representatives are on the Asian scene and working with Asian institutions and individuals. The Chinese University has always found The Asia Foundation representatives sympathetic, responsive, cooperative,and prompt in giving assistance at the right time to projects which are within the Foundation's field of interest. The Chinese University wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance which it has received from the Foundation in these formative years. The Asia Foundation is truly a great and good, old friend. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AT BENJAMIN FRANKL IN CENTRE "Benjamin Franklin Centre Management Committee" The Benjamin Franklin Centre is designed as a central meeting place for students on a university-wide basis, and a social centre of the University community. A Benjamin Franklin Centre Management Committee has been set up as a standing committee of the Senate Committee on Staff-Student Relations to recommend to it broad policies for the management of the Centre and the provision of facilities and services at the Centre. The Membership of the Committee is: Chairman: Prof. Bay-sung Hsu Members: Three staff representatives (two members of the academic staff, one male and one female, appointed by the Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Senate Committee on Staff-Student Relations; the other appointed by the University Bursar) Three student representatives (nominated by the University Student Union, including male and female students) Secretary: Mr . W.H.C. Wan Additional Facilities The Benjamin Franklin Centre accommodates the two University servicing units that are closely related to the students: the Student Affairs Section of the University Registry and the Appointments Service. The University Student Union Office is also housed there. Its other services include a cafeteria, dining rooms, a bank and a lounge. A book shop, a barber shop, and a beauty parlour came into operation in 1973. Being a centre for staff-student amenities, it provides facilities that cater to all tastes. Apart from the Music Appreciation Room already in existence, a Chess Room, a Ladies' Common Room and two committee rooms have recently been opened to serve the whole University community . University members may also arrange to hold exhibitions of works of art or other subjects of interest at the entrance hall of the Centre, which can also serve exhibition purposes. The swimming pool outside the Benjamin Franklin Centre has been completed and is scheduled to be opened soon. This Olympic-size pool is 50 metres by 18 metres , its depth varying from 4 feet to 15 feet , and is equipped with 1-metre and 3-metre diving boards and a 5-metre/10-metre diving platform. EXHIBITION OF LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS BY KWANGTUNG ARTISTS To commemorate the University's tenth anniversary, the Art Gallery is holding an exhibition of landscape paintings b y Kwangtung artists of the Ming and Ch'ing periods , from 29th June to 25th August. There are over one hundred and forty items on display, of which about half are recent acquisitions of the Art Gallery from the Jen Yu-wen Collection and the rest are on loan from local collectors. Some sixty-five artists are represented in the Exhibition, which affords a comprehensiv survey of the development of Kwangtung landscape painting. HONOUR FOR VICE-CHANCELLOR Dr. Choh-Ming Li, Vice-Chancellor of the University, was made a Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire (Honorary) in the Queen's Birthday Honours. —3 —
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