Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 5 Jan 1974

CONTENTS Yali Guest House 1 Contributions of the Professor of Geography to International Publications 2 Exhibition of Ch'ing Porcelain .. •. 2 Completion of Glossary of Legal Terms 3 Centre for East Asian Studies News . • 3 Donation of Micro-File Machine . • 4 Profiles of New Professors .. . • 4 Publication News 5 Personalia 6 Lectures 6 Comings & Goings 6 College News 7 CONTRI BUT IONS OF THE PROFESSOR OF GEOGRAPHY TO I NTERNAT I ONA L PUBL I CAT IONS Prof. Cheng-siang Chen, Chair Professor of Geography, as “C.S. Chen", has published in recent years numerous articles in overseas publications, the majority of which represents the findings of his years of research on China. Notable among these are his contributions to the Report of the Committee for the World Atlas of Agriculture, Volume II , published in 1973, and the new edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The Committee for the World Atlas of Agriculture, formed by the International Association of Agricultural Economists and the International Geographical Union, comprises 15 scholars of world renown, 7 of whom are famous geographers , including the Chairmen of the International Geographical Union in 1960-64 and 1964-68, the Chair Professor of Geography of the University o f Paris, and Prof. Cheng-siang Chen of this University. The Committee, after ten years of research, started in 1970 to publish reports in 5 volumes , producing one volume each year. Prof. Chen has been a member of the Committee for three consecutive terms beginning 1960. He is in charge of research on East Asia and Southwest Pacific and has travelled extensively in thes e areas engaging in field-work study. About one-fourth of the 671-pages (14” x 10" ) of Volume II of the Report was written by Prof. Chen: the sections o n China, No r th and South Korea, Outer Mongolia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao (together with 62 maps). The section on China occupies a very prominen t position in the report, and Prof. Che n has decided to publish this as a monograph entitled The Chinese Culture Area, adding a chapter on the Ryu Kyu Islands. The book is scheduled to come out towards the end of the year, with German and Japanese translations appearing at the same time. A revised edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica, in 30 volumes, has recently been published, and the sections on the geography, population, communication and social changes of China are all written by Prof. Chen. There were only four lines on China in the first edition of Encyclopaedia Britannica (Edinburgh, 1771 ), and even in the eleventh edition (1910-11 ), when the Encyclopaedia assumed its format for the next few decades, China was still not given full treatment. I n this latest edition, the first major revision since 1929 , the chapter on China has been completely rewritten and comprises 220,000 words and many tables and illustrations. The sections on Hong Kong, with the exception of the section on its history, are also written by Prof. Chen. Prof. Chen is also on the international editorial committee of Geoforum—Journal of Physical, Human and Regional Geosciences, one of the newest and most important journals of geographical sciences. CH ' I NG PORCELA IN EXH I B I T I ON The University is holding a comprehensive Ch'ing porcelain exhibition at the A r t Gallery, Institute of Chinese Studies, from November 1973 to February 1974. The exhibits, on loan from th e Wah Kwong Collection, include imperial ware of monochrome glazes, underglaze blue, tou ts'ai , famille verte, famille rose and enamels. The exhibition basically covers the period from the middle of the reign of K'ang-hsi to the end of Ch'ien-lung (about the end of eighteent h century), which is the period of strongest development of — 2 —