Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1978

"The Coming Age of Information" An abstract o f a speech delivered by Professor Wilbur Schramm Dr. Wilbur Schramm is one o f the three leading archi­ tects who have shaped the fie ld o f communication as it is understood today. Building on the work o f theorist Harold Lasswel l and methodologist Paul F, Larzarsfeld, Dr. Schramm has been the principal re searcher o f the field. As a keen observer , he has scrutinized almost every aspect o f the fie ld : communi cation and development, communication and fam ily planning, the effects o f television on children, the use o f audiovisual media and programmed instruction in schools) and the responsibilities o f the communica tors, the flow o f news across cultures and national borders, etc. Dr, Schramm is the organizer o f three o f the world's renowned institutes o f communication research in the United States— the firs t at the Univer s ity o f Illinois , the second a t the S tanford University, and the th ird at The East-West Center in Hawaii. Always looking fo r intellectual adventures, Dr. Schramm jo ined the Centre fo r Communication Studies o f The Chinese University last August as its firs t A w Boon Haw Professor to help launch the Uni versity's graduate programme in communication and develop the Centre's research activities. Dr. Schramm is a p ro lific w riter, in communica tion and in literature. He has w ritten more than 130 scholarly papers and books as well as many poetic and literary pieces. Among his noted publications are Mass Communications; Handbook of Communication; Responsibility in Mass Communication; Mass Media and National Development; Men, Messages, and Media; Big Media, Little Media; Communication and Change: Last Ten Years— and the Next. Many o f Dr. Schramm's books and articles have been translated in to foreign languages, including Chinese , French, Italian , Spanish, Germany, Japanese, Korean and Arabic, 32