Bulletin Winter 1978

Ch'ien Mu Lectures in History and Culture New Asia College has recently set up the “New Asia College Scholastic Fund", which enables the College to invite scholars of international standing every year to lecture for periods ranging from two weeks to one month. These "Ch'ien Mu Lectures in History and Culture" aim to promote Chinese culture and preserve the tradition of the College. Dr. Ambrose King, Head of New Asia College, has put it more clearly, "(1) By inviting overseas scholars to lecture at the College every year, not only will students' outlook be broadened, but staff members will also have a chance to discuss problems and exchange views with them, so as to promote international cooperation; (2) Although the scholars are all specialists, their lectures will, if possible, be on general cultural, social and philosophical problems, transcending the narrow confines of their own specialities. It is hoped that the lectures may strike a responsive chord among the audience and our General Education programme may also be enriched; (3) All the lectures will be open to the general public. Although we believe that universities should keep a distance between ‘town’ and ‘gown' in order to retain their objectivity in the pursuit of truth, yet distance is not alienation, and the application of scholarship to society is in fact the ultimate aim of research. Therefore public lectures may increase the contact between the university and the society; and (4) The series of lectures will be edited for publication, possibly in both Chinese and English, so as to serve as a bridge between the two cultures and stimulate the exchange of ideas among scholars of different nations." The Inaugural Lecture "Chinese National Character and Culture in Historical Perspective", which consisted of a series of six lectures, was delivered by Dr. Ch'ien Mu, founder of New Asia College and a distinguished historian of international repute. 21