Bulletin Spring 1979
mation in the Receptor Potential o f the Limulus Lateral Eye: Comparison Between Retinula and Eccentric Cells", Sensory Processes: (2 ), 1978. Kong, K. L. and Wasserman, G. S., "Changing Res ponse Measures Alters Temporal Summation in the Receptor and Spike Potentials o f the Limulus Lateral Eye" , Sensory Processes: (2), 1978. 周丁浦生:《香港學齢兒童的德智發展》 ,《社聯 季刊》 ,64期 ,1978年春。 School o f Education 敎育學院 Chan, Benjamin & Yau, Betty, A Collection o f Secondary School Student Counselling Cases, Commercial Press, Hong Kong. Siu, P. K., "Aptitude Test Battery I & II " , Summer- son (HK) Educational Research Centre, May 1978. Siu, P. K., "Intelligence Tests, Aptitude Tests & Achievement Tests", Hong Kong Council o f Social Service Quarterly, May 1978. Cheng, S. C., "The Use o f Games in Mathematics Learning", Living Education, January 1978. Cheng, S. C., "How Good are Hongkong Students in Mathematics ?" Mathematics Bulletin, Hong Kong Government, March 1978。 鄭肇楨:《學校要廢?》 ,《羅富國敎育學院校友 會會刊》 ,1978年 2 月 。 鄭肇楨:《現代數學(上册修訂版)》 ,商務印書 館 ,香港,1978年 。 鄭肇楨:《數學敎育的趨勢》 ,《敎協敎育專刊》 ,1978年 。 陸鴻基:《敎學語言本地化》 ,《公敎報》 ,1978 年 7 月 。 Hinton, Arthur, “ Teacher Education in Hong Kong", Times Educational Supplement, 22nd December 1978, Cheng, William, "Preparation o f Chinese Children for Further Education in the English Language", Edu cational Careers in Hong Kong, 1977, University o f Hong Kong, April 1978。 Heyworth, Rex, Chemistry-A New Approach, Mac- Millan (Asia) L td” 1978. [The Chinese University Bulletin w ill henceforth give annual coverage to academic publications o f University staff.] [中文大學校刊由本期開始,每年一度刊登大 學敎職員之學術著作。] Insert: Amended version of Professor Bin Cheng's address at Twentieth Congregation, which appeared in the Chinese University Bulletin, Winter 1978 Chinese University Bulletin Chinese University Bulletin Editorial Board Bulletin Staff Mr. Stephen C. Soong (Chairman) Mr. Stephen C. Soong Mr. Stephen Chan Tak-chuen (Editor) Mr. Stephen T. Y. Tiong Mr. Patrick K. C. Yiu Miss Chan Yin-ling Miss Chan Yin-ling (Secretary) (Associate Editor) Address: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong 25
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