Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1980
News in Brief Visit of Overseas Council Members Two overseas Council members of this University, Dr. Clark Kerr, Chairman of the Carnegie Council of Policy Studies in Higher Education in U.S.A., and the Rt. Hon. Lord Todd of Trumpington, President of the Royal Society, visited Hong Kong in January/February, 1980. They attended a meeting of the University Council on 29th January and addressed the Council. Both Dr. Kerr and Lord Todd were invited to give lecture on higher education at this University. Dr. Kerr's lecture was entitled "Higher Education: More Limited Horizons?" and Lord Todd's was on "Higher Education in a Changing World" . UPGC Appointments & Visitation The following University and Polytechnic Grants Committee appointments have recently been made: (1) Dr. Brian W. Smith, BE, PhD, MIE (Aust), MIEE, MIREE, as member for five years with effect from 1st December, 1979, in succession to Dr. A. M. Fraser, wh o has resigned from the Committee. (2) The Honourable Mr. Justice T. L. Yang as Deputy Chairman with effect from 7th December, 1979. (3) The term of the Honourable J. H. Bremridge, OBE , JP, as Chairman has been extended to 31st December, 1980. (4) The Honourable Alex S. C. Wu, OBE, JP, as member for a further term of 3 years from 1st January, 1980. In connection with the planning for the 1981-84 Triennium, members of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee made their formal Visitation to the University on 20th, 21st and 24th March, 1980. Discussion were held with: Administrative and Planning Committee and Director of Buildings Office (excluding Deans) Senate Representatives Faculty of Arts (Dean and Chairmen of Boards of Studies) Faculty of Social Science (Dean and Chairmen of Boards of Studies) Faculty of Business Administration (Dean and Chairmen of Boards of Studies) Faculty of Science (Dean and Chairmen of Boards of Studies) Elected Non-Professorial Staff Student Welfare and Health Representatives Student Representatives 2
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