Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1980

Office Bearers of The Federation of Alumni Associations, CUHK The Federation of Alumni Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, elected the third Executive Committee on 28th August, 1980, and at its meeting on 19th September, 1980, the Federation announced that the third Representative Council had also been elected. Membership of the two Committees are as follows: Representative Council President: Mr. Thomas H. C. Cheung (United College) Vice-President: Mrs. Juni W. C. Lee (New Asia College) Mr. Ng KaiYuen (ChungChiCollege) Mr. Liu Kam Hong (Lingnan Institute of Business Administration) Mr. Kwok Tsun Kee (School of Education) Secretary: Mr. Lung Ching Cheung (School of Education) Executive Committee Chairman: Mr. Thomas H. C. Cheung Vice-Chairman: Mr. Ho Man Sum Hon. Treasurer: Miss Tsang Chui Hing Hon. Secretary: Mr. Lung Ching Cheung Hon. Academic Secretary: Mr. Wong Chee Ham Hon. P. R. Secretary: Mr. Kwok Tsun Kee Hon. Social Secretary: Mrs. Juni W. C. Lee Ex-officio Adviser: Mr. Lee Kam Chung A rt Gallery Exhibitions Three exhibitions were held at the Art Gallery of the Institute of Chinese Studies in the second half of 1980. The Exhibition of Chinese Bronze Seals, held from 13th June to 25th August, displayed the unique collection of ancient bronze seals of the Art Gallery. The exhibits, dating from the Warring-states period to Ming, were supplemented by vermillion prints, decipherments, plaster casts of the impressions, explanatory notes and photographs of comparative materials from recent archaeological excavations in China. The Exhibition of Later Chinese Export Porce lain for the West, held from 2nd September to 16th November, featured tea and garniture sets, dinner and armorial services. Exhibits were drawn entirely from the Mufei Collection. The small but comprehensive group of export ware reflected the huge porcelain trade between China and the West in the 18th and 19th centuries and illustrated the fascinating marriage of fine Chinese procelain with Western shapes and designs. The Exhibition of Chinese Jade Flowers, held from 21st November, 1980 to 18th January, 1981 , features the Art Gallery's comprehensive collection of more than 400 Chinese jade flowers dating from the Song period onwards. "Jade flowers" are small rossettes or spray shaped jade carvings and were originally designed as component parts in jewellery or personal ornaments. The exhibits are supplemented as usual by explanatory notes, photographs, charts and drawings. Mr. James C. Y.Watt, Curator of the Art Gallery, Institute of Chinese Studies was invited by the Asia Society, New York to serve as Guest Curator for an exhibition of "Chinese Jades from Han to Ch'ing". The exhibition has brought together over 200 pieces of jade from 36 distinguished collections in Hong Kong and the United States. Opening on October 1980 at the Asia House Gallery, New York city, the show covers 2000 years of jade carvings from the 2nd century B.C. to the 19th century A.D. After the New York showing, the jades w ill be moved to the Detroit Institute of Arts (January to February 1981), the Seattle Art Museum (March to May 1981) and the Honolulu Academy of Art (July to September, 1981) for further exhibition.