Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1981

News in Brief Academic Exchange with Zhongshan University An agreement for an Academic Exchange Programme between Zhongshan University and this University was signed on 23rd November, 1981. The Vice- Chancellor, accompanied by the Secretary of the University, paid an official visit to Zhongshan University in Guangzhou to conclude and sign th e agreement, which signifies a major step towards closer academic cooperation with the most important university in South China. The agreement will be effective for two academic years (i.e. until July 1983) in the first instance and may be renewed if both parties so wish. The Academic Exchange Programme will consist of visits by faculty members and research students, joint sponsorship of academic and teaching conferences/seminars, joint research projects and other programmes to be determined by both parties. In the academic year 1981-82, exchange will primarily be in the areas of Science and Social Science: Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Anthropology, Economics, Geography and Sociology, with the possible inclusion of Business Administration. Reappointment of Overseas UPGC Member Lord Briggs of Lewes, Provost of Worcester College, Oxford, has been reappointed by His Excellency the Governor an overseas member of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee for a term of five years with effect from 1st August, 1981. Visit of the International Panel of Visitors Three members of the International Panel o f Visitors, Sir John Llewellyn, Chairman, Dr . Karl Roeloffs, and Mr. James McHugh, Special Adviser, visited the University on 3rd November, 1981, accompanied by Mr. John Winfield, Principal Assistant Secretary of the Government's Education Branch, and Mr. William Bradley, Secretary of the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee. The Panel was appointed by th e Government in June 1981 to conduct an overall review of the local education system. The topics discussed in the visit included the main features of the education system of Hong Kong with particular reference to highe r education, especially The Chinese University, language of instruction, teacher education and adult education. A meeting with student representatives was also held. Colleges Celebrate Founders' Days * New Asia College celebrated its 32nd anniversary, the 2,532nd birthday of Confucius and Teachers' Day on 26th September, 1981. Among th e activities organized to mark the event were performances of spectacular lion dances, in which the lions' eyes were dotted by the newly-arrived Yale-China representative, Dr. Terry E. Lautz. Other programmes included sports competitions, stall games, and contests of kite design, poem writing and singing. The highligh t of the celebrations was a ceremony and variety show in the evening attended by over 1,000 people. * United College celebrated its Silver Jubilee on 24th October, 1981. Programmes included the inauguration of the Ping Fan Hall and the Pak Chuen Hall, and the presentation of prizes for academic excellence by Sir Kenneth Ping-Fan Fung, a membe r of the University Council, and Dr. T.C. Cheng, Chairman of the United College Endowment Fund Committee. Other activities arranged for the occasion, extending over four months, were academic lectures, a garden party, stage performances and sports competitions as well as a celebration ball. 29