Bulletin Number One 1983
Gi fts and Donat ions As a manifestation of their confidence in this University's development, local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously in support of the University's physical development programme, research projects, publication projects, fellowship and scholarship schemes, etc. The Universit y received the following gifts and donations in the past few months. Equipment (1) From Mr. Simon S.M. Kwan a donation of US$4,000 for the purchase of a thin-sectioning equipment for the Art Gallery. Research Projects (2) From the Industrial Development Board a grant of HK$750,000 in 1982-86 for additional equipment and manpower to facilitate research on Integrated Circuit Technology and Semiconductor Devices, a project jointly conducted by Dr. Y. W. Lam and Dr. H. L. Kwok of the Department o f Electronics. (3) From the Lotus Tours Limited a donation of HK$40,000 towards the University's Research Funds. (4) From the Dow Chemical Pacific Ltd. a donation of US$5,000 to the Chinese Medicina l Materials Research Centre. (5) From Mr. Henry H. Hsu a donation of HK$30,000 for research purposes. Publications Projects (6) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation a donation of HK$182,000 in support of visiting scholars from Mainland China t o carry out research on and edit Index to Shang Oracle Records. (7) From the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation a donation of HK$30,000 to cover the printing cost of the Graduate Careers Handbook 1983. (8) From Professor Cheng Te-k'un a donation of HK$ 1,271.80 for the Centre of Chinese Archaeology and Art Publication Revolving Fund. (9) From Dr. Yuan Heh-Hsiang a donation of HK$365.60 for the Comparative Literature Division Publication Fund. Fellowships & Scholarships (10) From Miss Judy Ling a donation of HK$100 , 000 for the setting up of ‘Mr. Ling En-cheng Memorial Emergency Loan Fund' to help students with financial difficulties, starting from 1983/84. (11) From the late Mr. Wilfred Wong's family an endowment fund of HK$80,000 for the setting up of a Theology Scholarship Fund. (12) From the Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society a donation of HK$50,00 0 for the establishment of ‘The Chinese Gold & Silver Exchange Society Scholarship Fund', the interest from which is to be awarded annually to a needy and qualified student. (13) From the Kam Ngan Stock Exchange Ltd . a donation of HK$50,000 for the setting up of The Kam Ngan Stock Exchange Scholarship Fund', the interest from which is to be awarded to student(s) selected by the Senate Committee on University Scholarships. (14) From Mr. Woo Hon Fai a donation of HK$50,000, in memory of his late mother, to set up 'The Madam Woo Li Shiu Charm Scholarship Fund', the interest from which is to provide an annual scholarship. (15) From the Chase Manhattan Bank a donation of HK$8,000 for the 1982/83 ‘Chase Manhattan Bank Scholarship'. (16) From the 'George Shee Fund ' of the Diocesan Boys' School a grant of HK$5,000 in support of three students. Miscellaneous (17) From Lady Kwan a donation of HK$500,000 for the University. (18) From the Banque Nationale de Paris a donation of HK$40,000 for the year 1982/83 in support of the Joint Universities Creative Works Exhibition jointly organized by our University and the University of Hong Kong.
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