Bulletin Number Four 1983

A Brief Review: 1963—83 Twenty years have elapsed since the establishment of The Chinese University of Hong Kong on 17th October, 1963, and the University is now an organic modern institution of higher learning with a magnificent campus, offering a full range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Through the hard work of staff and students, it has achieved excellence in teaching and research and has kept pace with other institutions in the international academic world. On the recommendation of the first Fulton Report, the Government decided to incorporate three private liberal arts colleges —Chung Chi, New Asia, and United — to set up The Chinese University, in which Chinese would be the principal language of instruction. Even in the early days, the University had at its disposal considerable human and material resources, as compared with other new universities, to provide a stimulating environment, since the three Foundation Colleges were already established institutions whose teaching staff included scholars and educators from Mainland China. Their amalgamation as a federal university brought together in one institution their respective traditions 16