Bulletin Number Four 1984

Kong for the completion o f the Chinese Palaeography project. (5) From The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club a grant o f HK$ 18,728.73 in support o f a project on the 'Study on the wood rotting fungi o f the woodfibre track' conducted by Dr. M.H. Wong o f the Department o f Biology. (6) From Mr. G.B. Khiani adonation o f HK$ 14,000 to the Department o f Orthopaedic & Traumatic Surgery for the promotion o f research and staff training. (7) From the Eli Lilly Asia Inc. a donation o f HK$2,000 to the Department o f Orthopaedic & Traumatic Surgery for the promotion o f research. Publication Project (8) From the Friends o f the A rt Gallery o f The Chinese University o f Hong Kong a donation o f HK$70,000 for the A rt Gallery Publication Revolving Fund, earmarked for the printing cost o f the catalogue for the Exhibition o f 'Archaeological Finds from Pre-Qin Sites in Guangdong' to be held in September 1984. Fellowship and Scholarships (9) From Lee Hysan Foundation Ltd. the following donations: (a) HK$ 1,000,000 for the setting up o f an Endowment Fund in commemoration o f the 60th Anniversary o f Lee Hysan Estate Co., Ltd.; and (b) HK$80 , 000 for Staff Development and Postgraduate Scholarships in the academic year 1984-85. (10) From the D.H. Chen Foundation a donation o f HK$100,000 towards the Three-Year MBA Programme Endowment Fund and an additional HK$20,000 for the establishment o f the D.H. Chen Foundation Scholarship. (11) From the Education Abroad Program o f the University o f California a scholarship fund o f US$3,000 in addition to tuition-waiver for two students from The Chinese University for the year 1984-85. (12) From Hong Kong Oxygen & Acetylene Co., Ltd. an annual prize o f HK$500, to be named 'Hong Kong Oxygen Prize in Anaesthesia'. Miscellaneous (13) From the following organizations donations for holding the 1984 International Summer School on Physics: (a) US$8,000 from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in support o f the travel and subsistence expenses o f participants to the school; and (b) HK$7 , 000 from the Dow Chemical (Hong Kong) Ltd. (14) From the Friends o f the A rt Gallery o f The Chinese University o f Hong Kong the following donations: (a) HK$30,000 for the acquisition o f works o f art by the A rt Gallery; and (b) HK$16,952 being travel grants for two postgraduate students in the Division o f Fine Arts to enable them to conduct research relating to their proposed thesis topics in Mainland China and Taiwan. (15) From Mr. Li Dak Sum a grant ofHK$24,168.50 in support o f the Academic Exchange Pro gramme. (16) From Dr. S.H. Ho a donation o f HK$5,900 for the purchase o f a Sony television for the Madam S.H. Ho Hostel for Medical Students in the Prince o f Wales Hospital. (17) From UNESCO a grant o f US$5,500 being expenses for operating the Regional Head quarters o f the Network for Microbiology in Southeast Asia at The Chinese University o f Hong Kong. (18) From the Consulat General de France a donation o f HK$5,000 for the French Summer Course to be held in the summer o f 1984 in France. (19) From colleagues o f the University lib ra ry System a donation o f HK$2,500 for the employment o f student helpers in the Univer sity Library System. (20) From Mr. Dennis Constantine, a portrait o f Dr. Ma Lin for the University. Antiques (21) From Mrs. Siu lie n Ling Wong seven pieces o f porcelain o f the Qing dynasty to the A rt Gallery.