Bulletin Number One 1985

Cultural and Entertainment Programmes From 1981 To 1984 Statistical Consulting Services Unit Established The Statistical Consulting Services Unit (SCSU), operating under the umbrella of the Department of Statistics, was set up with the objective to encourage the proper use of statistical methodology and to provide a channel whereby statistical expertise may be made available to colleagues on campus and to outside organizations. The provision is made within the constraints imposed by the Department's limited manpower and its teaching commitments. The Chairman of the Board of Studies in Statistics is concurrently the Director of the SCSU. A Deputy Director is also appointed to assist the Director in the general management of the SCSU, and its members include all teachers of the Department of Statistics and members of other Departments approved by the Director of the Unit. Current membership of the Unit is as follows: Director Professor Howell Tong Deputy Director Dr. S.Y. Lee Members Professor S.P.B. Donnan Dr. N.N. Chan Dr. Y.V. Hui Dr. H.K. Lam Dr. Y. Lam Dr. Y.M. Lam Dr. C.Y. Leung Users of the SCSU may approach individual members of the Unit or the Departmental Secretary of the Department of Statistics, from whom a list of SCSU members may be obtained. Formal approach should be made to the Deputy Director of SCSU in the first instance. Conditions of Provision of Services The SCSU may accept projects from inside and outside the University which attract consultation fees. In the provision of statistical consulting services, there are certain conditions: (i) Although SCSU members will tr y their best to be of assistance, they reserve the right not to provide their expertise. (ii) The SCSU bears no responsibility for consequences arising from this statistical advice. (iii) It is only equitable that adequate acknowledgement be made to SCSU members who have given advice. This may take the form of a joint authorship of published papers in learned journals if the services of the SCSU members are fairly substantial. However, individual SCSU members reserve the right to dissociate their names from any publication. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS 23