Bulletin Number One 1987

Donation fo r a New Academ ic Bu ild ing A donation o f HK$8 m illion from Mr. Leung Kau Kui, an eminent figure in local banking and business, has recently been received by the University for the construction o f a new academic building. Mr. Leung, Executive Vice-Chairman o f Dah Chong Hong, Ltd., Director o f Hang Seng Bank Ltd., and Director o f the Miramar Hotel and Investment Co. Ltd., is widely known for his continuous support to meaningful projects in social welfare, education and medical services over the past decades. He has supported the setting up o f numerous primary and secondary schools, health clinics and homes for the aged in Hong Kong. He has also made big dona­ tions to the University o f Hong Kong for a new building , to be named the K.K. Leung Building, and for its library fund. Mr. Leung's benefactions, how­ ever, are not confined to Hong Kong. He has donated to various educational institutions overseas and in the Chinese mainland, such as St. Hugh's College, Oxford University, and the Zhongshan University, Guangzhou. In his native district Shunde Xian he has made gen­ erous donations towards a county hall, a hospital, a secondary school, a primary school, a library and a number o f silkworm nurseries. The new academic building, w ith an area o f 4,000 sq.m., w ill provide additional teaching facilities on the central campus to cope w ith further develop­ ment o f this University. News in B r ie f UPGCNews * The University and Polytechnic Grants Com­ mittee (UPGC) met in Hong Kong in January 1987 and conducted the triennial estimates visits to the five subvented institutions. The Committee made a full-day visit to the University on 7th January and held discussion sessions w ith members o f the various Faculties, School o f Education and administrative and support units on proposed developments in the 1988-91 triennium. * Professor Philip A. Kuhn, Professor o f History at Harvard University, has been appointed a member o f the UPGC for a period o f five years w ith effect from 1st November, 1986. * Miss Jacqueline P. Leong, a barrister, has been appointed a member o f the UPGC for a period of three years w ith effect from 1st January, 1987. Miss Leong is to replace Mr. Andrew Li who has retired from the Committee membership at the end o f 1986. * Mr. Simon Yau has become Assistant Secretary o f the UPGC since 2nd February, 1987 , taking over the duties o f Mr. Colin Phipps which include the pro­ cessing o f all institutional capital programmes and equipment requests. NEWS 9