Bulletin Number Two 1987
Exh i b i t i on o f Tr ibutes f r o m Guangdong to the Qi ng Cou r t The University mounted an exhibition o f Tributes from Guangdong to the Qing Court' from 28th Feb ruary to 12th April, 1987. A preview o f the exhibi tion, jo in tly organized by the University A rt Gallery and the Palace Museum in Beijing, was held on 27th February. Dr. Ma Lin, the Vice-Chancellor, officiated at the opening ceremony. Mr. Yang Boda, Deputy Director o f the Palace Museum, led a delegation o f five experts to attend the opening ceremony and preview. The exhibition is the second cooperative pro ject between the Palace Museum and the A rt Gallery, the first one being the exhibition o f ‘Paintings by Yangzhou Artists o f the Qing Dynasty' held in November 1984. It is also the sixth exhibition devoted to the arts and archaeology o f Guangdong Province organized in conjunction w ith museums in China. The series o f exhibitions is a manifestation o f the strong support o f Chinese museums in realizing the A rt Gallery's objective to promote the study o f Guangdong culture. On the significance o f the exhi bition, Dr. Ma stated in his opening address, 'The present exhibition , featuring different categories o f tributes from the local officials in Guangdong to the Qing court, w ill demonstrate the flourishing develop ment o f the arts and handicrafts as well as economies and overseas trade in Guangdong. Particularly note worthy are the rich array o f decorative arts in this exhibition. The superb craftsmanship o f the Guang dong artists commands our admiration and their distinctive local characteristics inspire in us a sense o f affin ity. The exhibition also represents the results o f long years o f academic research conducted by Mr. Yang Boda, Deputy Director o f the Palace Museum, and experts o f the Palace Museum. They undertook the arduous task o f identifying the Guangdong tri butes from the vast holdings o f tributes from various provinces. Moreover, their research work is substan tiated by the tribute lists and other documents o f the Qing court. A ll ninety-two items included in the exhibition are on public viewing for the first time and it is surely an opportunity to be treasured by the community o f Hong Kong.' The ninety-two items o f provincial tributes Ivory cosmetic box with a mirror; Tongzhi to Guangxu reign, Qing Dynasty 10 NEWS
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