Bulletin Number Two 1987
(Hons.) degree, in Social Work and Sociology, among the first batch of Social Science graduates of that University. He received his MSocSc degree in Public Administration from the same University in 1980, again among the first batch of postgraduates of this programme. He is a Member of the British Institute of Management (MBIM). After obtaining his first degree, he joined Caritas-Hong Kong as a Social Worker. Eighteen months later, he accepted an offer to serve as Secretary of the Hong Kong Football Association Ltd., where he combined his work with his favourite hobby. For eight years, he worked tirelessly towards the promotion of the number one spectator sport in Hong Kong. His next appointment was at Ryoden Electric Engineering Co. Ltd., where he worked for five years, first as Assistant Manager, then promoted Senior Manager of the Administration Department. Just prior to joining this University, he served for two years as Director of the Administrative Services Department of the Federation of Hong Kong Industries. Mr. Tam was appointed Assistant Secretary of the Personnel Section of the University's Secretariat in November 1986. Personalia (From 1st March to 15th April, 1987) I . Appointments Academic Staff Faculty o f Medicine Dr. David Wynne L. Davies Visiting Lecturer in Anaesthesia Dr. John Kurt Orton Visiting Lecturer in Anaesthesia Dr. Raymond Glyn Thomas Visiting Fellow, Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging Dr. Chan Kow-tak Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery Mr. G.R. Ford Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Surgery Dr. Ma Fong-ying, Gordon Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery School o f Education Mr. Fong Kan-hay Senior Instructor Administrative Staff Mrs. Lam Hui Kong-wai, Jane Executive Officer I I , Dean of Students' Office, New Asia College Mr. Lam Kar-po, Perry Executive Officer I I , Dean of Students' Office, Chung Chi College Ms. Janice Kay Wickeri Managing Editor, Research Centre for Trans lation Miss Wu Yee-kam, Edith Probationary Assistant librarian, University Library System Miss Yeung Yuk-ling, Cecilia Executive Officer I I , Academic and Examina tion Section, Registry II. Retirement Mrs. Sylvia Shen Deputy librarian, University library System PERSONALIA 23
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