Bulletin Number Three

salary above $6,000, and some of them, who had previous working experience, were earning over $10,000 per month. Sixty per cent of them expressed a general satisfaction with their present employment. As in the previous year, most of the MBA graduates (88.5%) entered the commercial sector. They took up positions in the following fields: banking and finance (37.1%), marketing (22.9% ) and administration/management (11.4%). A vast majority of the MBA graduates (80%) had an initial monthly salary above $6,000. About 66% were satisfied wit h their current employment. More than half of th e MBA graduates were offered employmen t by the end of June. The average number of appointment offers received by the MBA graduates was 1.7. Diplomates of the School of Education The majority of the diplomates (89.2%) wer e employed as teachers. Most of them were teaching in government or aided secondary schools. The starting salary for most of the diplomates (63.7%) was in the range of $7,001 — $8,000 per month. About 62% of the diplomates wer e satisfied with their current employment. Personalia (From 16th April to 30th June, 1987) I. Appointments Academic Staff Faculty of Medicine Dr. Tam Ping-leung, Patrick Senior Lecturer in Anatomy Dr. Ng Ping-wing Lecturer in Medicine Dr. Michael Ferguson Visiting Lecturer in Anaesthesia Dr. M.N. Prematilleke Visiting Lecturer in Morbi d Anatomy Faculty of Science Dr. Choy Chiu-shing, Oliver Lecturer in Electronics Faculty of Social Science Miss Fung Yin-king Part-time Field Instructor in Social Work *Miss Kwan Shuet-lan Part-time Field Instructor in Social Wor k *Mr. Kwong Kit-tong, Kelvin Part-time Field Instructor in Social Work Mrs. Lo Lau Chui-ling, Cherine Part-time Field Instructor i n Social Work Mrs. Lo Yim Siu-mai Part-time Field Instructor in Social Work Miss Wong Pui-man Part-time Field Instructor in Social Work Administrative Staff Dr. Leung Ying-kit Locum Physician, University Health Service Mr. Tung Chuen-cheuk Assistant Secretary, Publications Section, Secretariat Mr. Wong Wai-hung, Albert Assistant Secretary, College Office, Shaw College Mrs. Kwong Lau Ching-man, Elizabeth Accountant I, Bursary Mr. Yung Yuk-yu, Dominic Assistant Audio-Visual Service Officer, University Instructional Media Services Unit Miss Yu Shuk-han Probationary Assistant librarian, University library System Miss Wong Tin-yu, Agnes Executive Officer II , Graduate School Research Staff Dr. Ki Ping-fai Research Associate, Department of Medicine Mr. Tse Chung-ming Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry II. Promotion Mrs. Lam Chan Wai-kwan Assistant librarian II, University library System III. Upgrading Dr. Hung Hin-wai, Joseph Lecturer in English Dr. Tsui Bik-may, Amy Lecturer, English Language Teaching Unit *Part-time Degree Programme teacher 22