Bulletin Number Four 1987

T h i r ty - fo u r th Congrega tion Insta lla tion o f the N ew V ice-Chance llor and Con fe rmen t o f an H ono ra ry Degree The University held its 34th Congregation —Congre gation for the Installation o f the New Vice-Chancellor and for the Conferment o f an Honorary Degree —at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall on 15th October, 1987. Dr. Charles K. Kao was installed as the new Vice- Chancellor, and Professor Ma Lin, the former Vice- Chancellor was honoured w ith a degree o f Doctor o f Laws, honoris causa. The Congregation, presided over by His Excellency the Chancellor, Sir David Wilson, was attended by over 1,000 guests, among which were official representatives from institutions in China and overseas. The Vice-Chancellor was presented w ith Ordinance o f the University by His Excellency the Chancellor. The Seal o f the Vice-Chancellor was pre sented to him by the Chairman o f the University Council, Dr. the Hon. Q.W. Lee. The Vice-Chancellor then delivered his inaugural speech. Professor Ma Lin, after receiving the honorary degree conferred on him by His Excellency the Chancellor, also addressed the Congregation. The Public Orator was Mr. T .L . Tsim, Director o f The Chinese University Press, who also wrote the citation. O fficia l representatives from Institutions in China and Overseas Attending the Congregation China Mr. Teng Teng, Academia Sinica Professor Hua Zhong-yi, Fudan University Mr. Liu De-qing, Jinan University Professor Gao Jin-de, Tsinghua University Professor Huang Sheng-lun, Tsinghua University Professor Fan Chong-cheng, Tsinghua University Professor Xie Zhi-cheng, Tsinghua University Mr. Huang Zhou Australia Mr. Andrew Watson, University o f Adelaide Professor Clive W. Ogle, University o f Western Australia Canada Professor C.Y. Lee, University o f British Columbia Mr. Patrick Sun, McGill University Miss Bernice Quark, University o f Western Ontario Indonesia Drs. Roestandi, Universitas Gadjah Mada United Kingdom Mr. Peter Ip, University o f Buckingham Professor Norman C. Hunt, University o f Edinburgh Dr. Peter Thompson, University o f Hu ll Professor Katharine O'Donovan, University o f Kent at Canterbury Dr. H.K. Cheng, University o f London Sir Denys Roberts, University o f Oxford Dr. H.G.S. Murray, Queen's University o f Belfast Mrs. Ann Houghton, University o f Warwick United States of America Dr. Lee Wing-tat, Boston University Mr. Richard H. L a w r e n c e , Brown University Dr. Elwin V. Svenson, University o f California , Los Angeles Mr. Anthony Karlin Koo, University o f Colorado Mr. Stephen Boyd, Duke University Mr. Jeffrey Marcks, Fordham University Ms. Marjorie Yang, Massachusetts Institute o f Technology Mr. Peter W. McKay, Pennsylvania State University Dr. Jung Kong Lee, Princeton University Dr. C.S. Loh, Tufts University Mr. Randolph Kwei , Yale University 2