Bulletin Number Four 1987

The T h ird Internationa l Summer School o f Physics on Op tica l Methods in Biophysics The Third International Summer School o f Physics on Optical Methods in Biophysics was held at the University from 13th to 23rd July. It emphasized new optical techniques that are extremely useful for monitoring physiological regulations at the cellular and molecular level. The intention was to impart these techniques to the participants, who could eventually incorporate them into their own biological or medical research. Five distinguished scientists were invited to lecture in the Summer School. Each invited lecturer presented four one-hour lectures on one optical technique. The lectures covered a review o f basic principles, experimental set-ups, biological appli cations and the latest results o f research. Dr. Satoru Fujime, Head o f Biophysics Division at Mitsubishi- Kasei Institute o f Life Sciences in Japan, lectured on Dynamics Light Scattering; Dr. Kenneth Roos o f the Department o f Physiology, University o f California at Los Angeles, U.S.A. on Computer Inter faced Microscopy; Professor Mark Sharnoff o f the Department o f Physics, University o f Delaware, U.S.A. on Coherent Imaging; Professor Yin Yeh o f the Department o f Applied Science, University o f California at Davis, U.S.A. on Optical Ellipsometry; and Dr. Yoshihisa Kudo, Head o f Neuropharma cology Division at Mitsubishi-Kasei Institute o f Life Sciences in Japan on Fluorescene Imaging. The lectures were delivered in an informal atmosphere. Discussions between lecturers and participants were encouraged. They often continued into the tea break. A symposium on Applications o f Electromag netic Radiation in Biological and Medical Research was held concurrently w ith the Summer School. It consisted o f seminars by participants o f the Summer School. Its objective was to improve communication among the participating scientists. Forty seminars were presented. They covered a wide range o f re search. Most described novel ways o f using lasers in solving biological and medical problems. The Summer School and the Symposium at tracted over seventy scientists from China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, U.S.A. and Hong Kong. Both events were planned and organized by me w ith the support o f the staff o f the Physics Department. Donations to finance these two events were received from the Beijing-Hong Kong Academic Exchange Centre, D.H. Chen Foun dation, Hang Seng Bank, Lee Hysan Foundation, and UNESCO. —A.F. Leung, Department o f Physics P ro f i le s D r. Choy Chiu Sing Dr. Choy Chiu Sing L e c tu r e r, D e p a r tm e n t o f E le c tro n ic s Dr. Choy Chiu Sing, Oliver, was born in Hong Kong where he was educated to the level o f secondary school and went on to the United Kingdom to further his education. He received his BSc, MSc and PhD from the University o f Manchester in 1983 , 1984 and 1987 respectively. His postgraduate research was on VLSI circuit techniques w ith applications in the ASIC technology. He had also spent a year in Ferranti Microelectronics (UK) to assist research on the same theme. Dr. Choy joined The Chinese University o f Hong Kong in September 1986 as Assistant Lecturer in the Department o f Electronics, and was promoted to Lecturer in March 1987. His research interest is still on the ASIC technology. 20