Bulletin Spring‧Summer Autumn‧Winter 1999
than 300 research proposals and the number of research plans which have successfully obtained earmarked grants from the UPGC has increased from 12 in 1988 to 18 in 1989 and 25 in 1990. The 25 successful research projects this year fall into different areas: arts and languages, business and social studies, biological and physical science, education, medicine and health, electrical and electronic engineering, computing science, information technology and mathematics. Details are separately tabled. Project Title CUHK Investigator(s) Funds Approved (HK$m) A r t s & Languages * A computerized database of the entire body of extant Han (206 BC — AD 220) and pre-Han traditional Chinese texts Prof. D.C. Lau Dr. F.C. Chen 0.500 Business & Social Studies * A decade of massive immigration in Hong Kong: economic consequences, assimilation and policies Dr. P.W. Liu Dr. Y.C. Wong 0.229 * China's regional economic development Dr. T.T. Hsueh Dr. K.Y. Tsui 0.253 Biological & Physical Science * Glucose transport in Ehrlich ascites tumour cells Dr. K.P. Fung Dr. Y.M. Choy Prof. C.Y. Lee 0.250 * Regiospecific synthesis of polysubstituted furans from bis(trimethylsilyl) furans Dr. H.N.C. Wong 0.210 * Studies of ceramic thin films Prof. C.L, Choy Dr. H.K. Wong Dr. W.P. Leung 0.700 * Epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase — protein phosphorylation as a signal transduction mechanism Dr. C.H.K. Cheng 0.240 Education * Psychological adjustment in the development of primary school children: a longitudinal study Dr. S. Lau Dr. P.C. Cheung Dr. M.P. Lam 0.330 r e s e a r c h | - 5
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