Bulletin Summer‧Autumn 1991

Gifts and Donations The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the follow ing gifts and donations in support o f its programmes and projects: (1) From Mr. Thomas T.T. Chen HK$10,000,000 towards the cancer project fund o f the Faculty o f Medicine. (2) From Hong Kong In s titu te o f Personnel Management an annual donation o f HK$3,500 to provide a scholarship for a fourth-year stu dent concentrating in organization and manage ment. (3) From the Incorporated Trustees o f Hsin Chong - K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund: (a) HK$35,000 to provide 10 bursaries o f $3,500 each for needy students; (b) HK$50,000 to set up a student campus work scheme in 1991-92. (4) From the Incorporated Trustees o f the Wah Kiu Yat Po Fund for the Relief o f Underprivileged Children an annual donation o f HK$8,300 to provide a scholarship for an M .Phil. student in communication. (5) From the Italian University for Foreigners at Perugia L it 1,200,000 to provide two scholar ships for students to pursue short-term studies at the Ita lian Unive rsity fo r Foreigners at Perugia in the summer o f 1991. (6) From Mobil O il Hong Kong Ltd. HK$15,000 to provide a scholarship for a third-year student o f the Faculty o f Business Administration in 1990-91. (7) From Mrs. Polly Or HK$2,400 to provide a scholarship for a student o f the Department of Journalism and Communication in 1990-91. (8) From Dr. Francis K. Pan HK$10,000 to pro vide a scholarship for a graduate student in 1990-91. (9) From Providence Foundation Ltd. HK$150,000 to provide 10 scholarships o f $15,000 each for first-year students of the Two-year MBA Pro gramme in 1991-92. (10) From Radio Association o f Hong Kong an annual donation o f HK$4,000 to provide a scholarship for a student majoring in electronic engineering. (11) From Rho Psi Foundation, Inc. US$1,200 to provide four scholarships in 1990-91. (12) From Soma International Ltd. HK$20,000 to provide a number o f loans fo r needy students in 1990-91. (13) From Taiwan Ladies Association HK$10,000 to provide two bursaries o f $5,000 each for students in 1990-91. (14) From Universit à Cattolica in Italy L it 3,900,000 to provide three scholarships o f L it 1,300,000 each fo r students to attend an international workshop in the Universit à Cattolica in Italy in the summer o f 1991. (15) From Arthur Andersen & Co. HK$7,000 for the publication o f A Summary Report on the Employment Survey o f 1990 Graduates by the Office o f Student Affairs. (16) F rom A res-S e ronon (Se rvices) Pte L td . HK$10,000 for a research project undertaken by the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynae cology. (17) From Bayer China Co. Ltd. HK$140,000 to the Department o f Medicine for research and educational purposes. (18) From Beecham Laboratories (Pte) Ltd. a fur ther donation o f HK$40,000 for a clinical trial undertaken by the Department o f Surgery. (19) F rom C a rm e l A lis o n Lam F ounda tion Secondary Schoo l H K $ 1 7 ,0 0 0 fo r the nasopharyngeal cancer research project jointly undertaken by the Department o f Surgery and the Department o f Clinical Oncology. (20) From C ilag Asia Pacific Regional O ffice HK$26,000 for a clinical trial undertaken by the Department o f Obstretrics and Gynae cology. (21) From the Hong Kong Society o f Digestive Endoscopy Ltd. HK$266,000 for GI research undertaken by the Department o f Medicine. GIFTS & DONATIONS 27