Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1992
News in Br ief Members of the University Honoured T w o members o f the University were on the Queen's N ew Year Honours List announced on 31st December 1992. Prof. Charles K . Kao, the vice-chancellor , and Dr. V i c t or K. Fung , member of th e University Council, were both awarded Commander o f the Order o f the British Empire ( CBE ). Vice-Chancellor Heads Delegation to Beijing and Shanghai Prof. Charles K . Kao headed a seven-member delegation to visit academic institutions i n Shanghai nd B e i j i n g i n September 1992. The trip lasted f or 10 days f r om 8t h to 17th September. The purpose was to explore ways o f strengthening the ties between this university and mainland institutions and to extend inter-institutiona l cooperation i n academic research, staff training, and technological development . I n Shanghai , the delegation v i s i t ed F u d an University, Jiaotong University, the Institute of Organic Chemistry, and the Institute of Cell Biology. In Beijing, their itinerary covered Peking University, Tsinghua University, the Chinese A c a d emy o f Social Sciences, the Chinese A c a d emy o f Sciences, Be i j i ng University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Be i j i ng N o r mal University. Prof. Kao also gave atalk on T e c h n o l o gy Road Maps f o r H o ng K o n g' at Tsinghua University, w h i ch attracted an audience o f over 700. Du r i ng th e 10-day visit the delegation also met w i t h important leaders o f the Chinese Government , including Jiang Ze-min, general secretary of the Central Committee o f the Commu n i st Party o f China; L i Tie- ying, chairman o f the Stat e Education Commission; Ji Peng-fei, standing committee member o f the Central A d v i s o ry Commission; and Lu Ping, head of the H o ng K o ng and Macao A f f a i rs O f f i ce o f the State Council. Other members of the C U HK delegation included Prof. M un K i n - c h o k, dean o f business administration ; Prof. Lee Cheuk-yu, head o f United College; Prof. Rance Pui-leung Lee, dean o f social science; Dr. Chou Ying-hsiung, chairman o f the Department o f English; M r . Jacob Leung Siu-kwong, secretary of the University; and Dr. L u en Chih-biau, associate director of the O f f i ce o f Academic Links. CUHK Membership on UPGC Research Grants Council Six academic staff members were recently appointed members of the UPGC,s Research Grants Council or its subject panel for a term u p to 31st December 1994: Prof. Kenneth Y o u ng — Research Grants C o u n c i l ; Physical Sciences & Engineering Panel Prof. Robert S.Y. L i — Physical Sciences & Engineering Panel Prof. S.T. Cha n — B i o l o gy and Medicine Panel Dr. Julian Critchley 一 B i o l o gy and Medicine Panel Prof. Amb r o se K i ng — H u m a n i t i es a nd S o c i al Sciences Panel Prof. L iu Shu Hsien — H u m a n i t i es a nd S o c i al Sciences Panel New Library Extension to be Named after Mr. Tin Ka-ping The University recently receive d agenerou s donation of H K $ 25 m i l l i on f or academic research activities f r om M r. T in Ka-ping , aprominent local industrialist . Twenty per cent of this donation was specifically earmarked fo r research projects on education developments i n Chin a NEWS 丨 N BRIEF 13
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