Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1992

The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the following gifts and donations in support of its programmes and projects: (1) From K.P. Tin Foundation Ltd.: (a) HK$ 12,500,00as the first instalment of a $25- million donation for the establishment of a foundation fund f or academic research and development ; and (b) HK$30,00annually to provide five research assistantships for students of the Faculty of Education. (2) From the following donors for the University to establish a Chinese Computing Open Systems Research Centre: (a) Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Ltd. HK$3,000,000; and (b) an anonymous donor HK$2,222,333. (3) From Mr . Wu Chi Cheng H K$ 1,000,00 fo r the establishment of a medical scholarships scheme to sponsor scholarly exchanges between the University's Department of Surgery and Yunan Medical College in Kunming. (4) From Biochemistry A l umni Association, C U HK HK$4,000 to provide two scholarships for students of the Department of Biochemistry, one each i n 1992-93 and 1993-94. (5) F r om Chen Hsong Holdings L t d. HK $ 2 7 , 0 0 annually to provide thre scholarships of $9,00 each for full-time undergraduates , two from the Department of Electronic Engineering and one from Physics. (6) From Citibank, N.A.: (a) H K$ 12,00 annually to provide a scholarship for a Two-Year M BA student; and (b) H K$ 12,00 annually to provide a scholarship f or an undergraduate ma j o r i ng i n either economics or business administration . (7) From Coopers & Lybrand H K$ 12,00 annually to provide a scholarship for a student of the Faculty of Business A dm i n i s t r a t i on concentrating in accountancy. (8) From E x x on Chemical International-Asi a L t d. HK$23,200 to provide two scholarships for Two- Year M BA students in 1992—93. (9) From First Pacific Bank Ltd. H K$ 12,00 to provide a scholarshi p for a first-year student of the Two- Year M BA Programme in 1992-93. (10) From Mr. Edward S.T. Ho HK$2,500 annually to provide a memorial prize for an outstanding final- year fine arts student. (11) From The Ho ng Ko ng Federation o f Insurers HK$ 15,00 annually for thre years to provide a scholarship for a final-year student of business administration concentrating in either finance or marketing. (12) From Hong Kong Industrial Relations Association HK$5,000 annually to provide a scholarship to a final-year student o f business administration concentrating in organization and management , preferably in the human resources management option. (13) From Hong Kong Pharmacology Society HK$2,00 annually to provide an annual prize for medical students. (14) FromJackie Chan Charitable Foundation HK$ 12,00 to provide two scholarships of $6,00 each for students of the Music Department in 1992-93. (15) From John Swire & Sons ( HK) Ltd. HK$ 138,00to provide six scholarships of $23,00each for students of the faculties of arts, business administration , engineering, science and social science in 1992-93 . (16) From M r . Lau Wai-leung, Alex HK$44,00to provide four scholarships for final-year students, two eachfrom the Faculty of Business Administration and theDepartment of Computer Science in 1992—93. (17) From Legend Technology Ltd.: (a) HK$ 12,00 annually to provide a scholarship for a student of computer science; and (b) apersonal computer system for use in the office of the University Students Union. (18) From M.C. Packaging (Hong Kong) Ltd. HK$6,00 annually to provide a scholarship for a final-year student of business administration concentrating in organization and managemant . (19) From Motorola Semiconductors Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) thre full-tuition scholarships for a student each of the departments o f computer science, electronic engineering and systems engineering; and (b) seven sets of 68HC1 microcontroller kit to the Department of Information Engineering f or experiments and student projects. (20) From Nanyang Commercial Bank Ltd. H K$ 10,00 annually for thre years to provide a prize for an economics graduate. (21) From Personnel Management Club HK$3,00to provide a scholarship for a student of business administration in 1992-93. (22) FromProcter & Gamble Hong Kong Ltd. HK$45,00 to provide thre scholarships of $15,00 each for second-year students o f the Tw o - Y e ar M B A Programme in 1992-93. (23) From Providence Foundation L t d. H K$ 100,00 GIFTS AND DONATIONS 30