Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1992

(a) Boehringer Ingelheim ( HK) Ltd. H K$ 10,000; (b) Astra Pharmaceutical s ( HK) Ltd. H K$ 12,000; (c) Merck Shark & Dohme (Asia) Ltd. H K$ 15,000; (d) Bristol-Myers Squib ( HK) Ltd. H K$ 10,000; (e) Bayer China Co. Ltd. H K$ 10,000; and (f) Ciba-Geigy ( HK) Ltd. H K$ 15,000. (48) From the following donors towards the Hong Kong Pa e d i a t r ic M a r r ow T r a n s p l a nt F u nd of the Department of Paediatrics: (a) Dr. Vincent Chau HK$4,000; (b) Mis L am Ye H i ng HK$339; (c) Mis Lau Fu Na HK$4,200; (d) M r. Tsang H i n - w i ng HK$3,000; (e) Mr. Ko Peng-kie HK$500; (f) Ms. TamSui K i ng HK$ 5 0 0; (g) M r. Wo ng K in Kai H K$ 1,500; (h) Mr. Chung Cheuk Kay HK$500; (i) B u r r o u g hs W e l l c o me & Co. ( H K) L t d. HK$741.49; (j) Mis Tsang Y uk Y i ng HK$3,000; (k) J.S. Consultant & Personnel Agency HK$3,000; and (1) Oriental Pres Charitable Fund Association HK$10. (49) From Ms. Alice Cheng HK$200,00to sponsor a visiting professor/schola r programme of the Faculty of Business Administration . (50) From Prof. Cheng Tsu-yu HK$20,00to sponsor a scholar from China to visit the Institute of Chinese Studies and to assist in his research work. (51) From Cheng Yu Tung Foundation Ltd. HK$300,00 to sponsor the fourth world congress of HPB surgery organized by the Department of Surgery. (52) From Dr. Chiang Chen HK$390,00 to sponsor the 10th international conference on integrated optics and optical fibre communication to be held by the University in 1995. (53) From the Croucher Foundation HK$945,00to support academic exchanges between the Faculty of Engineering and institutions in China. (54) From Daiichi Pharmaceutica l Co. Ltd. US$1,00to sponsor astaf member of the Department of Surgery to attend an academic meeting in Singapore. (55) From Direct Health Ltd. HK$25,00for the breast feeding conference organized by the Department of Paediatrics. (56) From Duncan Flockhart Division, Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd. H K$ 10,00 to sponsor a staff member of the D e p a r t me nt of M e d i c i ne to attend the 14th international congress of the Transplantation Society in Paris, France. (57) From FarmitaliCarlo Erba ( HK) Ltd.: (a) H K $ 2 0 , 0 0 to the U r o l o gy U n it of the Department of Surgery for the purchase of a laptop computer for research purposes; and (b) HK$20,00to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Medicine to attend a meeting in Jakarta, Indonesia. (58) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd. HK$20,00 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Paediatrics to attend the n i n th i n t e r n a t i o n a l congress of endocrinology in Nice, France. (59) From the following donors to sponsor a workshop organized by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: (a) Goodman Medical Supplies Ltd. HK$30,000; (b) Anchor Medical Services Ltd. US$1,000; and (c) The Vita Company H K$ 10,000. (60) From Hong Kong Mo v ie Star Sports Association Ltd. HK$750,00 to the Faculty of Medicine for the purchase of equipment for cancer research. (61) From Hang Seng Bank Ltd. HK$35,00 to the University to sponsor students' extracurricular activities in 1992—93. (62) From the following donors to sponsor a symposium organized by the Department of Physiology: (a) The Hing Tak Charity Co. Ltd. HK$30,000; and (b) British Council £800. (63) From Hong Kong Commercial Broadcasting Co. Ltd. H K$ 100,00 to the Department of Extramural Studies for the development of its programmes. (64) From Hong Kong Taiwan Chamber of Commerce HK$60,00to sponsor aconference on the relations between China and Taiwan in the nineties organized by the Japan and A s i a - P a c i f ic D e v e l o pme nt Programme of the Hong Kong Institute of Asia- Pacific Studies. (65) From Hoechst China Ltd. HK$20,00to sponsor a staf member of the Department of Microbiology to attend the third Western Pacific congress on chemotherapy and infectious disease in Bali, Indonesia. (66) From Howmedica Hong Kong to the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology : (a) HK$143.52 to sponsor a staf member to attend an academic meeting in Malaysia; (b) HK$416.40 to sponsor a staf member to attend an academic meeting in Seoul, Korea; and (c) HK$2,210.13 to sponsor astaf member to attend an international trauma congress in Berlin, Germany. (67) From I CI (China) Ltd.: (a) HK$24,740 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care to attend the 10th w o r ld congress of anaesthesiologist s in Hague, Holland; and (b) HK$8,00 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of M i c r o b i o l o gy to attend an international congress on infectious disease held in Africa. (68) From Roche Pharmaceutical s nd Chemicals Ltd. to the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care: (a) HK$24,025 to sponsor astaf member to attend the 10th world congress of anaesthesiologist s in GIFTS AND DONATIONS 32