Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1993

Gifts and Donations The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the following gifts and donations in support of its programmes and projects: (1) FromMr. Thomas H.C. Cheung a pledged donation of HK$10,000,000 for setting up The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Fund to mark the 30th anniversary of the University. (2) From Shaw Foundation Hong Kong Ltd. a pledged donation of HK$7,000,000 to help expand the Endoscopic Unit of the Medical Faculty at the Prince of Wales Hospital. (3) From Shanghai Fraternity Association a pledged donation of HK$13,500,000 for setting up a research and development fund. (4) From Chih Lo Lou Art Promotion (Non-Profit Making) Ltd. HK$22,000 for the printing cost of the Art Gallery's exhibition catalogue Paintings & Calligraphy of the Ming & Qing Dynasties from the Chih Lo Lou Collection. (5) From the Incorporated Trustees of Hsin Chong-K. N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund HK$35,000 for the production of a revised edition of Basic Legal Knowledge 一 A Handbook for Students by the Director of Student Affairs. (6) From Chen Hsong Holdings Ltd. HK$9,000 annually to provide a scholarship for a student of systems engineering. (7) From Ernst & Young HK$10,000 annually to provide a scholarship for an outstanding student majoring in professional accountancy. (8) From International Chambers in Hong Kong HK$34,800 to provide three scholarships for students of the Faculty of Business Administration in 1992-93. (9) From Merck Sharp & Dohme (Asia) Ltd.: (a) to the Department of Pharmacy HK$100,000 to provide a scholarship for major students for three consecutive years from 1992-93; (b) to the Department of Medicine: (i) HK$15,000 for renal research activities; (ii) HK$25,000 for a clinical study; and (iii) HK$390,000 for a research project; (c) to the Department of Chemical Pathology HK$23,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend the 1992 Lipid Council in London, UK; and (d) to the Department of Clinical Pharmacology HK$10,000 to sponsor a staff member to attend the ninth international congress of endocrinology in Nice, France. (10) From Milupa Ltd. HK$3,000 annually to provide two prizes of $2,000 and $1,000 each for medical students. (11) From Mr. Anthony Tyen HK$5,000 annually for five years to provide an MBA project award for students of the Two-year MBA Programme. (12) From Mr. Yeh Yui Fong HK$5,000 annually for five years to provide an MBA project award for students of the Two-year MBA Programme. (13) From Armedic Far East Ltd. HK$62,676.90 to support a research study undertaken by the Department of Medicine. (14) From Bristol-Myers Squibb (HK) Ltd.: (a) HK$100,000 to support a clinical trial undertaken by the Department of Surgery; and (b) HK$21,801 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Paediatrics to attend an intensive course in paediatric nutrition in Iowa, USA. (15) FromMrs. Choi Ma Oi Kuen HK$32,000 to support a research project on Cantonese opera undertaken by Dr. Chan Sau-yan of the Department of Music. (16) From The Croucher Foundation: (a) HK$258,700 to support a research project undertaken by the Department of Psychiatry; (b) HK$250,000 to support a research project undertaken by the Department of Electronic Engineering; (c) HK$271,769 to support two research projects undertaken by the Department of Biochemistry; (d) HK$544,000 to support a research project undertaken by the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre; (e) HK$348,000 to support a research project undertaken by the Department of Medicine; (f) HK$382,640 to support two research projects undertaken by the Department of Biology; (g) HK$380,000 to support a research project undertaken by the Department of Chemistry; (h) HK$724,500 to support the academic links GIFTS AND DONATIONS 27