Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1996
The 50 t h Congregat ion for the Conferment of Honorary Degrees T h e 50th congregation for the conferment of honorary degrees was held on 18th January 1996 at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. HE the Governor and Chancellor of the University, the Rt. Hon. Christopher Patten, officiated at the ceremony and conferred honorary degrees on four distinguished persons. The degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, was conferred on Lo r d Wilson of Tillyorn; the degree of Doctor o f Literature, honoris causa, on Prof. Jonathan D. Spence; and the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa, on Mr. Tang Hsiang Ch i en and Mr . Thomas Chen Tseng Tao. Their citations were written and delivered by Prof. Andrew Parkin of the Department of English, and Prof. Serena Jin of the Department of Translation. Lord Wilson addressed the audience on behalf of the honorary graduates, the topic of his speech being 'Hong Kong: Aspects of the Future'. •
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