Bulletin Special Supplement Bidding Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao

(一)在學生宿舍方面,中大提供宿位三千九 百八十二個,數目爲本港院校之冠;居 第二位者提供二千五百八十二個。 (二)去年聯合招生,有九千四百五十七名申 請人以中大爲第一選擇,佔全部申請人 的三分之一 ,在七所大學中居首位;第 二位者有六千零五十八人。 (三)全港大學獲研究資助局評爲「卓越」的研 究項目共廿七項,中大佔其十二項,居 於首位;而居次位者有七項。 (四)一九九五至九六年度,本地大學畢業生 獲政府聘任爲政務主任者共廿六人,其 中中大佔十五人,名列第一。 高校長爲人謙謙藹藹 ,光華內蕴,一派 儒者風範,充分表現其德行修養的高深。老 子有言:「上德若谷」、「廣德若不足」,正 是高校長的最佳寫照。因此,高校長在社會 上能夠廣結人緣,深受各方的支持,帶領中 大邁向成功。今後,高校長爲自己定立了更 高的目標,爲中國與本港的科技發展,以及 爲促進科技轉移,建立更鞏固和更深厚的基 礎 。我深信高校長日後仍會爲本校、香港、 中國,以及亞太地區,貢獻他的專長。我希 望他與高夫人經常回來與我們聚舊。 最後,我謹代表校董會與大學全體同人 向高校長敬致衷心的謝意,並祝高校長伉儷 來日事事如意,身心康樂。□ Prof. Kao, fe llo w members o f the U n ive rsity Council, colleagues, This is the last council meeting Prof. Charles K. Kao is attending as vice-chancellor o f the U nive rsity. H a ving w o rk e d w ith h im fo r so m any years, we canno t b u t feel a great sense o f loss over his retirement. N ine years ago, Prof. Kao, the w o rld famous 'father o f fibre optics' made a decision to come to H ong Kong to head The Chinese University. To be the vice-chancellor o f a m ode rn un ive rsity w ith 13,000 students, 4,000 staff members, and an annual budget o f over HK$2,000 m illio n is indeed a ta ll order, pa rticu la rly so d u ring a p e rio d o f socio- p o litic a l tra n s itio n in H o n g Kong. We s till rem em be r h o w P rof. Kao de linea ted the lo fty goals he set fo r the U n ive rsity in his firs t open le tte r to staff and students : The objectives and directions o f this university fo r the ne xt few crucial years can dearly be summarized as fo llow s : The Chinese University o f Hong Kong is a bilingual, comprehensive university. Its missions are (1) to produce graduates, in increasing numbers, w ith first and higher degrees o f a quality comparable to the best in the w o rld ; (2) to serve as a knowledge pool for Hong Kong ; and (3) to bu ild selected infrastructures for Hong Kong in order to facilitate the grow th o f intellect, commerce and industry. 中 文 大 學校刊.特刊 —Chinese Univer sity Bulletin . Special Supplement — 2 0