Bulletin Special Supplement Bidding Farewell to Prof. and Mrs. Charles K. Kao

SPACE w ill do the trick. Those in the AAPC o r w h o w o rk closely w ith Charles w o u ld k n o w tha t all these years Charles has created space fo r in d iv id u a ls as w e ll as fo r departments and faculties at the University. 'S' is first and forem ost associated w ith students. D u rin g Charles' tenure as vice-chancellor, the U n ive rsity saw a rem arkable increase in student numbers. A lth o u g h a te rrito iy -w id e developm ent, this is a sign ifican t change. Charles has always had students close to his heart in many o f his decisions and policies. His recent decision to donate his Japan Prize m oney and his consultancy earnings to set up a foun d a tio n bears testim ony to his love fo r students. 'P' calls to m ind the physical transformation o f the campus — the construction o f m any b u ild in g s and fa c ilitie s . The Shaw campus came in to be ing d u rin g Charles' tenure. 'P' also stands fo r the setting u p o f the Personnel O ffice — a precursor to adm inistrative revamping, and fo rw a rd p lann ing - - w h ic h replaced the fo rm e r annual rep o rtin g b y in d iv id u a l units. 'A ’ stands fo r adm in istra tive restru ctu ring and decen tra liza tion , as seen in the reorganiza tion o f the Registry and the Secretariat, and most recently in the one-line budget. Charles has b rought w ith h im his vast experience in the industrial sector to stream line and modernize un ive rsity adm inistration. ’A' also stands fo r academ ic links, whose value fo r this un ive rsity Charles strong ly believes in. 'C' is associated w ith many things — credit u n it system, CUWO, and college harmony. A significant developm ent du ring Charles' tenure is the implementation o f the fle x ib le cred it u n it system w h e n it became clear that w e had to shorten ou r curriculum . Every successful man, as the saying goes, has a w om an behind him. Charles has been extremely fortunate in this respect in having been supported in every w a y b y Gwen. Gwen was instrum en ta l in u n itin g w om en on campus by organizing m any exciting activities th rough CUWO. Gwen's good tastes have been reflected in the physical transformation o f the VC's office, their ow n residence and in m any other ways. D u rin g Charles' time, and certainly in the last tw o and a h a lf years w h e n I serve as head o f Shaw College, I feel tha t the coope ra tion and com radeship among the colleges have never been better. Finally, 'E' is equated w ith excellence and efficiency 一 in research, teaching and adm inistration. Charles has enhanced the research p ro file o f the U niversity b y greater emphasis on competitiveness and accountability. Thanks to Charles' v is io n and s u p p o rt, w e have n o w a v e ry s tro n g a n d s u p p o rtiv e research environm ent. Thus, th rough LAP SPACE w e remember Charles as a person and his many achievements and breakthroughs du ring his tenure as VC o f this university. LAP. SPACE is rem iniscent o f the lap top computer, a p rodu c t o f advanced technology and therefore a fittin g analogy to the 'father o f fib re optics'. ... □ 高錕校長伉儷惜別餐會 Farewell Dinner for Prof. and Mrs. 3S