Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1997

Germany /Hong Kong Jo i nt Research The following two projects have been chosen for support by the Germany/Hong Kong Joint Research Scheme 1996-97. The scheme is financed by the Research Grants Council and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). • Flow Field-flow Fractionation Studies of Biodegradable Polymers CUHK investigator: Prof. Chi Wu Amount awarded: HK$20,000, plus a DA AD top-up grant for the German partner • Modernity and Chinese Christianity in the Light of the Sociology of Religion CUHK investigator: Dr. Liu Xiaofeng Amount awarded: HK$20,000, plus a D A AD top-up grant for the German partner Hi gh Energy Acce l e r a t or for Ma t er i a ls Research The University's Materials Technology Research Centre has acquired a tandem accelerator for ion beam analysis, and set up the Accelerator Laboratory to facilitate teaching and research. The only one of its kind in Hong Kong and Southern China, the machine can perform a wide range of analytical techniques such as ion beam analysis, which uses light ions, usually hydrogen and helium, for material analysis. It can also be used to fabricate new materials and structure for microelectronic and optoelectronic devices by high energy ion implantation. The machine was purchased with funding from the Ho Sin Hang Education Endowment Fund, the CUHK Grant, the Department of Electronic Engineering and the Interinstitutional Microelectronics Consortium (IMC). IMC was formed in 1994 by the electrical and electronic engineering departments of five local universities. It was granted HK$6 million by the Research Grants Council for purchasing the machine to support a large number of collaborative projects. Med i cal Research Four research proposals submitted by members of the University recently attracted financial support from the Health Services Research Fund and the Health Care and Promotion Fund. They are : • H o ng Kong A d u lt Vision Study — A Cross-sectional Epidemiological Study of Eye Diseases in the 40-years-of-age- and-over Population of Hong Kong (HK$479,550) CUHK investigators: Prof. John Michon & Dr. Joseph T. K. Lau Sponsor: The Health Services Research Fund • Domiciliary Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial (HK$565,828) CUHK investigators: Prof. Jean Woo, Dr. C. M. Lum, Dr. E. Hui & Prof. Roland C. C. Leung Sponsor: The Health Services Research Fund • Level of and Reasons for Utilizing Accident and Emergency Services by Non-urgent Patients (HK$790,338) CUHK investigators: Prof. Albert Lee & Prof. Clarke Blaine Hazlett Sponsor: Health Services Research Fund • The Creation of a Community-oriented Preventive Eye-care Programme, the Hong Kong Eye Care Net (HK$294,520) CUHK investigators: Prof. Vincent W. Lee & Prof. Guy H. Chan Sponsors: The Health Care and Promotion Fund Hi gh l i gh ts of RGC-funded Pr o j ec ts To generate more interest in the University's research activities, the Chinese University Bulletin continues to bring to readers highlights of research projects supported by earmarked research grants of the Research Grants Council. The Bulletin has worked closely w i t h the principal • investigators of three projects to explain their research objectives, procedures, and achievements in terms comprehensible to the lay person. The three reports can be found on pages 26-39.