Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1997

G i f t s and Do n a t i o ns The University has recently received from local and overseas individuals and foundations the following gifts and donations in support of its programmes and projects: (1) F r om Ch an C h u n H a Charitable T r u s t HK$10,000,000 as a further contribution towards the construction of a new student hostel on the United College campus. (2) From Dr. Thomas T. T. Chen a HK$5,000,000 pledge of donation for the construction of a student amenitie s centre on the U n i t e d College campus. (3) From Prof, and Mrs. Cheng Te-k'un a further contribution o f HK$1,500,000 to the A r t Mu s e um for an academic fun d for Chinese art and archaeology. (4) From The Ho n g Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust HK$51,230,000 t o w a r d s the construction of the U n i v e r s i t y 's p r o p o s ed School of Public He a l th at the Prince of Wales Hospital. (5) F r om The H o n g K o ng Settlers H o u s i ng C o r p o r a t i o n L i m i t ed H K 8 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 for setting u p a development fund at the University. (6) From Mrs. A n n ie Wo ng HK$2,000,000 to establish an eye f o u n d a t i on u n d e r the Faculty of Medicine. (7) From Ame r i c an Internationa l Assurance F o u n d a t i on L i m i t e d t w o t u i t i o n - f e e s equivalent scholarship s for outstanding second-year students in 1996-97. (8) From the Architectural Services Department of the H o n g Kong Government HK$10,000 for a scholarship to enable a student of the Department of Architecture to join a study tour to Beijing and Shanghai in the summer of 1996. (9) F r om Biochemistry A l u m n i Assoication, CUH K, HK$2,000 for awarding a scholarship to a student of biochemistry i n 1996- 97. (10) F r o m T h e C h i n e s e M a n u f a c t u r e r s' A s s o c i a t i o n of H o n g K o n g HK$29,00 0 annually to provide a number of scholarships to outstanding students from 1996- 97. (11) F r o m D o w C h e m i c al ( P a c i f i c) L t d . HK $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l l y for a w a r d i n g a scholarship to an outstanding penultimate- year student of chemistry. (12) F r o m the e x t e r n a l e x am i n e r s of the University's Faculty of Medicine HK$800 for awarding a prize to a medical student. (13) From Exxon Chemica l International-Asia Ltd. and Exxon Energy Ltd. HK$30,750 for awarding a scholarship to an outstanding student of the Two-Year M B A Programm e in 1996-97. (14) From Financial Executives Institute (Hong Kong) Limited HK$30,000 for two awards of $15,000 each to second-year students of t he T w o - Y e ar M B A P r o g r a m m e f or participating in one of the M B A exchange programmes i n 1996-97. (15) F r o m G E M S T A R D e v e l o p m e n t L t d . HK$15,000 a n n u a l l y for t w o years for awarding a scholarship to an outstanding second-year student of electronic engineering from 1996-97. (16) From Ha n g Seng Bank Limited: a. HK$54,000 annually for awarding three scholarships to outstanding second-year students; b. HK$2,842,447 as contributions to the U n i v e r s i ty u n d e r the A f f i n i t y C a r d P r o g r a mme f r o m 1st J u l y to 31st December 1996; and c. HK$300,000 to be used at the Vice- Chancellor's discretion in 1996-97. Chinese University Bulletin Spring • Summer 1997 5 4