Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1999

News in Brief New Council Members • Mr. Lee Woo-sing has been elected by the Board of Trustees of Shaw College to serve as a member of the University Council for three years f r om 10th September 1999, succeeding Prof. Ma Lin. • Ms. Yan Hau-yee, Lina has been elected by the Con v o c a t i on as a member o f the Council for three years from 1st September 1999, by virtue of her capacity as chairman of the Convocation, succeeding Mr. Lee Kam-chung. New Faculty Deans Faculty of Medicine Prof. Sydney Ch u n g, professor o f surgery, was elected dean of medicine for three years from 1st July 1999. Faculty of Business Administration P r o f . J aphet L a w , p r o f e s s o r i n t h e Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, was elected dean of business administration for three years f r om 1st Augus t 1999. Distinguished Researcher in Plant Taxonomy Awarded Honorary Professorship D r. H u Sh i u - y i ng has been a p p o i n t e d honorary professo r of Chinese medicine from 19th August 1999. Dr. H u is a d i s t i ngu i s hed research scientist i n the field of plant taxonomy. She received her undergraduate education i n mainland China and obtained her Ph.D. from Harvard Universit y i n 1949. I n the 50 years that followed, she played a leading role i n p l an t t a x o n omy research at Ha r v a r d ' s A r n o l d A r bo r e t um. Cu r r en t ly she is an Emeritus Senior Research Fellow at Harvard University and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the CUHK Department of Biology. A t the age of 92, Dr. H u remains an active researcher, travelling extensively to study plants and herbs and continuing w i t h research writing. She has been influential in s h a p i n g the d e v e l o pme n t of Chinese medicinal research at CUHK, contributing to the establishment of the Chinese Medicina l Material Research Centre in the 1970s. She has also been instrumental i n th e setting up of the new School of Chinese Medicine at the University. University Members Honoured Three members o f the Un i v e r s i t y were recently honoured fo r their contributions to their respective fields and to the community. C h i n e s U n i v e r s i t yB u l l e t i n A u t u m n • W i n t e r 1999 48