Bulletin Special Supplement Professor Arthur K C Li: A Six-Year Term as Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University (1996–2002)

行政 Administratio n 口推行全校管理效率檢討,以提升各部門效率(ー九九七年起) 大學於一九九七年開始全面檢討行政管理效率,不斷透過內部審核,重整工作流程和資源調配 來提高效率。大學敎育資助委員會檢討小組一九九九年審視中大的管理架構及程序後,對本校 管理效率給予高度評價。 A university-wid e revie w o n managemen t efficienc y was launche d i n early 199 7 to increase the efficiency an d productivity of University unit s through continuou s interna l audit , reengineering , restructuring, an d resourc e redeployment . A UGC Revie w Pane l visited the Universit y i n 1999 to examine it s management practice s in various areas , and the University' s managemen t wa s highl y commended i n the UGC' s revie w report . •定期舉行策略性規劃工作坊(一九九八年起) 大學領導層自一九九八年起每兩年舉行一次工作坊,集思廣益,分析大學的強項和弱項,並為 之定位,確立目標,擬定整體發展策略。 Biennial strategi c plannin g workshops wer e launche d a t the senio r managemen t leve l i n 1998 to regularly asses s the University' s strength s and weaknesses, identif y threats and opportunities , prioritize objectives , and formulate a coherent corporate strateg y for the realizatio n of the University's goals . 李國章校長任內主持的最後一次策略性規劃工作坊(二零零二年三月) The last Strategic Plannin g Workshop headed by Vice-Chancellor Prof . Arthur K.C . Li (March 2002 ) 中文大學校刊•特刊 Chines e Universit y Bulleti n • Specia l Supplemen t 18