Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2004
P rof. Lawrence J. Lau had been appo i n t ed by the Un i v e r s i ty Council as the sixth Vice-Chancellor of The Chinese University of Ho ng Kong w i t h effect f r om 1st July 2004. The official installation ceremony was he ld at the 61st Congregation on 9 th December 2004. Prof. L au was presented w i t h a copy of the Ordinance of the University and the seal of the vice-chancellorship by Dr. Raymond P.L. Kwo k. The I n t r o d u c t i on of Prof. L au was w r i t t en and delivered by Prof. Da v id Parker of the Department of English. Prof. Lawrence Lau (left) was presented with the seal of the vice-chancellorship by Dr. Raymond Kwok (right) The 61st Congregation
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