Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2004
RESEARCH NEWS HK$69 million Grants for 43 Projects G rants t o t a l l i ng some HK$ 69 m i l l i on f r om various local a nd overseas sponsors for projects undertaken b y C U H K researchers were recorded d u r i ng the p e r i od M a y to No v emb er 2004: Sponsors Amount Involved (HK$) Number of Projects Supported CAS-Croucher Funding Scheme for Joint Laboratories 1,100,000 1 Health & Health Services Research Fund 4,907,979 10 Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Chinese Medicine Ltd. 4,738,000 1 Hong Kong Trade Development Council 410,000 1 Innovation and Technology Fund 5,792,000 1 Innovation and Technology Fund & Lung Cheong Toys Ltd. 1,986,500 1 Merck-Cozaar Medical School Grant Programme US$50,000 Quality Education Fund 13,318,700 7 Research Fund for the Control of Infectious Diseases 29,070,887 8 S.K. Yee Medical Foundation 3,310,044 5 The Croucher Foundation 800,000 3 The Fulbright Hong Kong Scholar Programme 450,000 1 The Hong Kong Arts Development Council 460,470 1 The Language Fund 1,200,000 1 The Lord Wilson Heritage Trust 1,344,800 1 RGC Research Grants for 2004-2005 A total of 144 research proposals s ubm i t t ed b y academic a nd research staff of the Un i v e r s i ty have been awa r d ed e a rma r k ed grants of HK$78.5 m i l l i on f r om the Research Grants Co u n c il ( RGC) this year. The Un i v e r s i ty also received a direct a l l o c a t i on of HK$13.64 m i l l i o n to finance sma ll projects. For 2004-5, the go v e r nment has made available some HK$403 m i l l i on for selected research proposals submitted b y academic a nd research personnel i n the UGC - f u n d ed t e r t i a r y i n s t i t u t i o n s, a n d H K $ 6 5 m i l l i o n f o r d i r e ct allocation to the institutions to finance small projects. The 144 C U H K projects selected for earmarked grants fall into four subject disciplines: biology and medicine (38); e n g i n e e r i ng (48); the p h y s i c al sciences (20); a n d the humanities, social sciences a nd business studies (38). Chinese University Bulletin Autumn • Winter 2004 46
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