Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2004

Definin g NewStrategies for Ulcer Prevention in Patients with Arthritis and Vascular Diseases Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)including aspirin have a wide spectrum clinical applications. NSAIDs are commonly used as painkillers for the treatment of arthritis. There is also growing evidence that NSAIDs can prevent colorectal cancer and dementia. Aspirin is one type of NSAID that can prevent clogging of blood vessels. It is an established treatment for the prevention of coronary heart disease and stroke. About 50 million Americans have started taking aspirin over the last two decades. However, NSAIDs also damage the stomach. It is the leading cause of peptic ulcer and its complications such as bleeding and perforation worldwide. C h i n e se University Bulletin A u t u mn • Winter 2 0 04 48