Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 2005

CHINESE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Autumn •Winter 2005 © The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2005 The Chinese University Bulletin is published biannually by the Information Services Office and distributed to friends and staff of C U H K Address all correspondence to Information Services Office, C U H K, Shatin, N.T., H o ng Kong E - m a il address iso@cuhk.edu.hk We b s i te h t t p : // w w w . cuhk.edu .hk/iso/ bulletin/index.htm A d v i s o ry C o mm i t t ee on Chinese University Bulletin Prof. Joseph M. Chan Prof. Chiang Ying-ho Prof. Daniel P.L. Law Ms. Conita S.C. Leung Mr. Jacob Leung Prof. David Parker Prof. Billy K.L. So E d i t o r i al Staff Editor Mr. K.F. Chor Assistant Editors Ms. Florence Chan Ms. Piera Chen Mr. Lawrence Choi Design & Production Ms. Ada Lam Ms. Pony Leung A l l seal carvings in this issue by Prof. Tong Kam Tang, Department of Fine Arts, C U HK CONTENTS 2 The College System of The Chinese University 6 Chung Chi College 10 New Asia College 14 United College 18 Shaw College 22 The 62nd Congregation 4 5 Research News 4 6 News in Brief