Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University

頒授榮譽學位 Conferment of Honorary Degree 27 頒授榮譽學位 Conferment of Honorary Degree 我 們有幸生當今日,橫跨兩個 世紀,見證歷史上許多掀天 覆地的變化。然而這些經歷對我們究 竟有什麼意義?是記憶中的往事,偶 爾勾起一絲微笑,一聲太息?還是我 們要正視這一樁樁歷史事件,從不同 角度來思考變化背後的原因和涵義? 立足現在,反思過去,展望將來,這 是智者處世治學的態度。金耀基教授 正是一位這樣的智者。他是一個跨世 紀,也是一個跨時代的學者、社會學 家、教育家。 金教授的學術修養紮根於台灣。他 一九五零年代取得台灣大學的學士 學位和政治大學的碩士學位。其後 負笈美國匹茲堡大學,眼界漸寬, 堂廡頓拓。一九七零年取得博士學 位。正如當時許多知識分子一樣, 他關心中國從舊社會蛻化出來的新 發展,他注視中國文化今後的何去 何從。他利用西方學者韋伯的理論 架構,從另一個角度切入,對這一 連串的政治、思想問題,另闢蹊 徑,重新分析。金教授一九六六年 發表《從傳統到現代》乙書,二零 零四年出版《中國的現代轉向》, W e who are living today have the good fortune to stand astride two centuries as witnesses to many earth-shaking historical changes. Yet what significance do these experiences hold for us? Will they become just a part of our memory of the past, now and again raising a smile, or inducing a sigh? Or should we look squarely at these historical events and consider their underlying causes and implications fromvarious angles? To ponder the past and look toward the future from the vantage point of the present: this is a sage’s approach to life. Prof. Ambrose Y.C. King is a sociologist, thinker and educator, touching on issues and areas that span over different generations and centuries. Prof. Ambrose King’s academic training began in Taiwan. In the 1950s he gained a Bachelor of Arts from Taiwan University and an MA from Chengchi University. Following this he went abroad to study at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, where he broadened his intellectual horizons. He was awarded a Ph.D. in 1970. Like many intellectuals of the day, he was concerned about the new developments in China as it sloughed off the old society, and gave his attention to the subsequent course that Chinese culture might take. He employed the theoretical framework of Max Weber, a western scholar, as a different entry point to formulate 榮譽法學博士讚辭 Citation of Prof. King Yeo Chi Ambrose, Doctor of Laws, honoris causa