Bulletin Special Supplement Ever in My Heart: Professor Ambrose King and The Chinese University

中文大學校刊 · 特刊 Chinese University Bulletin · Special Supplement 36 金 耀基教授惜別晚宴於二零零 四年六月二十六日假港麗酒 店舉行,筵開五十席,盛況空前, 出席者有大學校董、教職員、校 友、學生和各界友好。晚宴壓軸節 目是四十多位校友向金教授獻唱, 更安排了金教授的孫兒在曲終前出 現,拉著金教授的手和大家共唱, 場面溫馨感人。 o 惜別晚宴 Farewell Dinner T he farewell banquet for Prof. Ambrose King was held on 26 June 2004 at the Conrad Hong Kong. In attendance at the magnificent, 50-table event were Council members, teachers, alumni, students, and friends of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The highlight of the evening’s programme was a singing performance by over 40 alumni. Right before the finale, Prof. King’s grandson came on stage holding Prof. King’s hand to join the singing. o 校友大合唱,前排手持禮物的少年是金教授的孫兒。 Alumni singing in chorus. The young man holding a gift in the front row is Prof. King’s grandson.