Bulletin No. 1, 2010

Intellectual Cross-currents  51 Learning from Overseas Health Care Experiences A public lecture entitled ‘Can New Roles in Nursing Make a Difference in Healthcare: Learning from the UK Experience’ was organized by the Nethersole School of Nursing on 23 September 2009. The speaker was Prof. Fiona M. Ross (back row, 6th left), dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Care Sciences, Kingston University and St. George’s, University of London. The lecture attracted over 380 participants. Symposium for Health Care Workers Serving Chinese O n 12 December 2009, about 100 health care professionals in palliative care from the mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong attended the second Palliative Care Symposium for Health Care Workers in Chinese Population jointly organized by the Faculty of Medicine of CUHK and Li Ka Shing Foundation ‘Heart of Gold’ Hong Kong Hospice Service Programme at the Postgraduate Education Centre. Representatives from the foundation, Dr. Cheung Wai-lun (4th right), director (Cluster Services), Hospital Authority and Prof. T.F. Fok (4th left), dean of the Faculty of Medicine, officiated at the opening ceremony. Prof. Wang Ying-wei (2nd left), chief, Heart Lotus Hospice, Tzuchi Hospital, Taiwan delivered a plenary lecture entitled ‘Complementary Therapy in Palliative Care’.