Bulletin No. 2, 2020

Installation of the New Vice-Chancellor   25  P rofessor Sung is acutely aware of t he p re s sure s impos ed on univer sities today to produce measurable outcomes in every aspect of their life. He knows that there is a legitimate expectation for outcome and performance in every domain of university life. But, as he explained to his students in his inaugural address at Shaw College, Professor Sung is concerned that pursuit of excellence according to world university rankings, whatever their validity, can work to subvert the fundamental mission of the university to educate the next generation. He does not wish to see our University go the way of the highly prestigious institutions described in a recent book by Harry R. Lewis as achieving Excellence without a Soul. For Professor Sung university teachers should be ‘mentors of values and ideals to the young’ and not absentee researchers. He believes firmly, as his own practice shows, in the need for research and teaching to be held in a proper balance, the one informing the other. Prof. David Parker W he t he r one may e v en t ua l l y b e successful in the pursuit of learning hinges on one major factor, and that is the ability to identify truth from falsehood, and to uphold and defend the truth. Where one has to make a choice when a major issue is at stake, the choice becomes pivotal to one’s subsequent success or failure. On this point Professor Sung believes that teachers should preferably teach by example, which will be much more effective than verbal exhortations delivered in the classroom. It is possible for more courses on ethics to be added to the curriculum, and teachers may discourse learnedly on the professional ethics in various fields of employment. These, however, are unlikely to influence the students nearly as much as the opinions and behaviour of the teachers themselves. Setting an example for the students is reverently held by Professor Sung as the highest principle of education. The outbreak of SARS, campus greening and development, right down to handling diverse opinions from members of the University, these have all been challenges to Professor Sung, each in its own way. Professor Sung often discusses the way he handles issues and matters with his students. In his experience there are shocking and dangerous moments, there are crises, and there are also opportunities Prof. Samuel H. Cheung (This introduction is originally written in Chinese) Introductions in full at www.cuhk.edu.hk/cpr/pressrelease/101216_vc_e.pdf Introductions of Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung